בוקר טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

בית קברות למחשבות

לפני 4 שנים. 31 במאי 2019 בשעה 4:16

you need to go. I have so many thoughts running through my head, I say, that I wrote a poem while we kissed.


recite it to me, he requests.


I want you to go because I care about you.

I want you to stay because I care about me.

but, is caring about you not caring about me?

then, go.


he answers without missing a beat, you missed the part where caring about yourself is in fact caring about me too.


I want to be with you.

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

הרשמ/י התחבר/י