שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב


Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 24 באוג׳ 2004

to toast

Mistress Gatta • 24 באוג׳ 2004
u know, i don't really think that bdsm needs some kind of revolution. i would preffer for it to be as it is now- very private, so to say not in your face, not like it's happened with gay movement.

sometimes changes are not good, and changes for worth..... u know

sure, festivals are good, but i think that majority of bdsm comminity would preffer to stay home on that day not to be exposed.
my opinion - whatever is going on in bedroom or dungeon-should stay there, and i see no reason to take it to the streets.
לפני 19 שנים • 24 באוג׳ 2004
crazy_toast​(שולט){אליס} • 24 באוג׳ 2004
of course, there r people that think as u r too.

but it can't be private and unexposed forever.
the nature of community is to grow.
gay and lesbs were also once private and as it grow they started to act.

in times bdsm is accessable to anyone the only way for u to stay unexposed is to stay at home.
people wanna have fun also out of their places and if we said comunnity is growing adding more and more people every day then u r in a risk of exposure everytime u go out to such places.

therefor in my opinion bdsm it's a movement like anyother movements in history
it has a point of view, vuleus, and some kind of idiology too.

and in order for people from labeling this comunnity as a banch of perverts etc. acts should be taken.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 24 באוג׳ 2004

to toast

Mistress Gatta • 24 באוג׳ 2004
i agree with you that people have the right to assembly, but it still does not mean that all of us should take it on the streets and create revolution. as far as gays and lesb. - they have different agenda then we do the right to get married, adopt children etc. also i do not agree with the way some gay activist promote their cause- trying to teach children that gay life style is the same as hetrosexual life style. well, they can debate all they want, but that should not involve schooll carriculum like it is now in USA

as far as BDSM- each city has different clubs, publications, website, forums. so if someone wants to join us, we welcome them with open heart.
if you don't agree with me, then tell me why. hugs and kisses, mistress gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004

I don't get it

שבירה​(נשלטת) • 26 באוג׳ 2004
Could someone please explain why we need a forum in English? There are hundreds of BDSM English forums online, and that makes sense, as there are a lot of people who speak English as a native language. But why would an Israeli website, frequented by Hebrew speakers, start a forum in English
I don't live in Israel, my operating system is in English, and I have no problem viewing and participating in Hebrew. So clearly, people like me are not the reason for the forum

Who is, then, the potential audience for the forum? So far I have identified one person. Did we really just start an entire forum for one single person? Can I have one of my own then too

?Are we trying to attract non-Israel non-Hebrew-speakers to the site? What for

.These questions are not meant to be malicious or daunting. I truly cannot understand.

לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004
Demi • 26 באוג׳ 2004
how can we attach text to the left?
לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004
crazy_toast​(שולט){אליס} • 26 באוג׳ 2004
Demi כתב/ה:
how can we attach text to the left?

I think Kluvi said in one of this post's pages that he's working about the allignment to the left
i remember cause i asked him that too.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004


Mistress Gatta • 26 באוג׳ 2004
thre reason english forum was created on israeli website is for peope from other countries understand better life in israel. and what's better way to do that is to be able to commnicate with israelis. not all of us can speak or write heebrew, therefore this forum can provide this great opportunity. exchange of information and ideas is very important no matter what language is used.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004


Mistress Gatta • 26 באוג׳ 2004
thre reason english forum was created on israeli website is for peope from other countries understand better life in israel. and what's better way to do that is to be able to commnicate with israelis. not all of us can speak or write heebrew, therefore this forum can provide this great opportunity. exchange of information and ideas is very important no matter what language is used.
לפני 19 שנים • 26 באוג׳ 2004

As there are...

כלובי • 26 באוג׳ 2004
as there are Hebrew speakers who live abroad
there are also non hebrew speakers in Israel
in general the cage is open to all, i don't see what's the problem with it..
don't like it then simply move on.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 27 באוג׳ 2004

another thought

Mistress Gatta • 27 באוג׳ 2004
u know, israel, like usa, has lots of people that don't speak native language, and i for one was always against submitting to them - let's them speak our language, but here scenario is different- i 'm citizen of great usa, i speak english, and still i'm very mich interested in israel life. so please forgive me if i write in english, and not hebrew. i'm your BIGGEST FRIEND ) WELL, ONLY 110 LB)