צהריים טובים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

elections in USA

Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 18 באוק׳ 2004

another good reason to reelect W

Mistress Gatta • 18 באוק׳ 2004
Palestinian Authority comes out officially in support of Democratic John Kerry’s candidacy for US president, maintains future of peace process uncertain if Bush reelected.

Together we stand, divided we fall
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 19 באוק׳ 2004

time is running short

Mistress Gatta • 19 באוק׳ 2004
Although I absolutely disagree with Crazy Toast on his position towards former President Clinton (and if asked why, would be more then happy to reply!), at least he among few other friends gave his opinion on reelection of President George W. Bush. Less then 3 weeks before elections, and so far my question was answered only by 3 people. Is it really makes no difference to Israelis on this website who is going to be in charge of the biggest, strongest ally of the State of Israel? Is it of no importance that we all fight terrorism that constantly claims life's, destroys families, etc. Please, I really would love to hear more responses- time is short!!

Together we stand, divided we fall
לפני 19 שנים • 20 באוק׳ 2004

Re: elections in USA

robroy​(נשלט) • 20 באוק׳ 2004
Mistress Gatta כתב/ה:
if it was up to you, who would you prefer to be president of US- Kerry or Bush?

Together we stand, divided we fall

Honestly? I think neither....Bush in my opinion did a big mistake staying so long in Iraq,after no mass distruction weapon was found.His ignoring Kiyoto protocol says a lot about his stand towards environmental issues in am era when the awareness to those is groing.Kerry? i'M not sure yet I know his stands...not following the debates,just to a very limited time,he says why Bush is bad,not why he's good...
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 21 באוק׳ 2004

my President- my hero

Mistress Gatta • 21 באוק׳ 2004
Ok.lets start first with Kiyoto protocol .When representatives of 170 nations me in the ancient Japanese city of Kyoto to deliberate on global warming, there was debate about setting targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases. There are countries--such as the United States--that have expressed concern that they are being asked to aim for too high a target, while polluting giants such as China and India are being offered a pass, therefore legislatures in the United States have declined to ratify the treaty, which can only work on GLOBAL level.
Now about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction and prolonged war... Saddam was convinced that he had those weapons, so what were we suppose to do? Wait for him to use it?( besides where do you think he would have used them first- that's right- Israel!!) President in his speech told American people that this war will take time, we need to get rid the whole region of terrorists and their supporters( again, don't forget about $25.000 for each suicide bomber's family). Since our dear *allies* helped us a lot in the efforts to bring stability to this region and useless United Nations ( which is anti-American, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic) refuses even to acknowledge our right to do what we do, our troops will stay in Iraq until the job is done!! I, for one, salute our President George W. Bush for not putting country at risk, for fighting terrorists, for his great support and admiration of the State of Israel and for not agreeing to ratify Kyoto protocol that would burden our country and would do absolutely nothing to help with global warming unless done by all countries.
לפני 19 שנים • 21 באוק׳ 2004
robroy​(נשלט) • 21 באוק׳ 2004
I must say I'm impressed by your knowledge in international affairs,in a day and age where you see so much ignorance among people-mainly youth- I saw TV reports about the situation in the US when teenagers were asked if the names Hiroshima&Nagasaki are familiar,so many replied no...in Israel it's very bad and sad too.
My knowledge about Kiyoto protocol is that it was suppsed to better up the situation of Greehouse gases emission to reduce the effect,and the US for reasons I'm not fully aware of didn't sigh it.Peopel say that it's partly Bush's close contacts with oil producers and other industries who would be hurt as a result.As for Iraq,I remember the 1991 war when the sqad misslies hit us and we had to walk with gas masks and enter cealed rooms when the alarm was on...it was hard,40 long scary days yet I doubted as many very much that he'll use chemical weapons (which he had than) as he knew the response would be very fast and painful..what I'm not sure is the reason why so many troops are still there,Saddam is caugth and his sons and top people dead or captured.The presence of the US troops is causing loss of lots of life on both sides,resistance by new forces as Muktada Sader and I think they're there also as a preparation to invade Iran if needed,in case of any threat on the US or Israel.
I think the presece of the US in Iraq is justified in smaller numbers,thus reducing resistance within Iraq and reducing the unbelivable expence and needless loss of so many lives.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 21 באוק׳ 2004

my reply

Mistress Gatta • 21 באוק׳ 2004
Well, people say lots of things about my President- mostly out of ignorance or hate! I will not even go into that, those who say those things would not change their opinion( or educate themselves for that matter- sad, but true), and others- who know better don't need me to tell them!! (icon_sad.gif:
I really don't think that US is looking forward to occupy Iran. Iran will come around - all in good time, democratic forces within the country sooner or later will prevail.
As far as amount of US ground forces in Iraq- you contradict yourself- resistance is still there, and there should be no vacuum for another Saddam to get in power.
And, yes, ignorance is a very dangerous thing- but could be treated with some effort, stupidity on the other hand is terminal disease!!!!
Going back to President George W. Bush- he is the best friend Israel ever had, so I will not stop defending him if necessary!!!

Together we stand, divided we fall
לפני 19 שנים • 21 באוק׳ 2004
robroy​(נשלט) • 21 באוק׳ 2004
I agree as for gnorance-some people in this counry ,youth mainly,scare me with how litle they know about recent history-Like who's buried on Sde Boker,what are "the cease fire lines" and more.
I'm not talking about occuiying Iran-but invading if needed in the force needed.with emphasys on if needed.as for contradicting myseld I disagree-there is resistance and I'ts not surprisibg-after all the USdid envay Iraq,and although it moved a horrible ruker who did atrocities beyong imagination-it's still for some people an invasion.The resisntance is local and 130,000 troops seem way too much troops right now.I think the US could send no less that half back to the US.Bare in mind you can't force a nation to become democratic.
As for president Bush being a friend of Israel- I can't agree more. icon_razz.gif
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 22 באוק׳ 2004

Original Message -----

Mistress Gatta • 22 באוק׳ 2004
Original Message -----
From: "Naomi Ragen" <nragen@netvision.net.il>
To: >
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 5:32 AM
Subject: Why this Jewish American is voting for George W. Bush

> Why this Jewish American is voting for George W. Bush
> By
> Naomi Ragen
> As you know, I'm going off on my book tour to talk about The Covenant,
> a novel that tells the truth about Palestinian terrorism, and the
> ordinary Israelis who have been fighting on the front lines for years.
> By the time I come back, the election for President of the United
> States will be over and done, and we won't have this bone of
> contention to deal with, you and I. This is my last word on this
> But before I go, I'd like to tell you how it makes me feel when people
> on my list write me that I should butt out of the U.S. election
because I
> live in Israel. People who write me that
> George W. Bush is an idiot because
> he doesn't care about the environment or healthcare, or abortions.
> That he lied about WMD, and shouldn't have gone into Iraq or
> That it's his fault the war on terror is going badly.
> That they are proudly going to vote for his opponent, John Kerry,
> and give me a long list of reasons why.
> It makes me sickeningly angry and depressed. And this is why:
> I remember seeing my mother -in- law, who survived Auschwitz, and my
> father- in -law, whose first young wife and two babies were gassed
> there, wearing gas masks and sitting in a sealed room with their
children and
> great-
> granchildren, because Saddam Hussein was logging bombs at us
> and we were afraid he'd gas us as he did thousands of Kurds, his own
> people.
> I remember watching the families of suicide bombers who killed
> hundreds of Israelis in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and
> Netanya getting checks for $25,000 from Saddam Hussein.
> I remember my daughter going to get gas masks for my grandchildren in
> the recent war because we were afraid Saddam Hussein would do it
> again.
> I remember Arafat and Rabin on the lawn of the White House with
> President Clinton smiling, forcing them to shake hands. I remember
> the dozens of times Arafat came to the White House and was welcomed
> like a world leader.I remember Clinton's silence when the Intifada
> started, and how I felt when he wouldn't come out and condemn the
> Palestinians for breaking the agreements; when he suddenly backed
> off, talking about how both sides in the conflict were responsible.
> I remember Clinton at the Democractic Convention, shaking hands with
> Kerry.
> I remember Jimmy Carter and his numerous attempts to harm Israel
> during the Intifada, trying to tie it's leaders hands at defending us,
> shaking hands with Kerry.
> I remember how finally, after September 11, we had a President in the
> White House that let us go after terrorists at home. A President that
> despite the lack of support of Israel's enemies: the U.N., France,
> Germany, and the rest of the EU who had been kissing Arafat's backside
> for years while he killed our children, decided to take out
> Saddam Hussein, and who did it, brilliantly in a few weeks, despite
> all the media naysayers and back biters.
> Thank you George W. Bush. For getting Saddam Hussein off Israel's
> so my children and my in-laws can put away their gas masks for good.
> Thank you George W. Bush, for passing the Patriot Act, which outlaws
> terrorist funding, and for going after the bankers who fund the murder
> of our children.
> Thank you George W. Bush, for understanding there is an Axis of Evil,
> and for putting Syria and Iran on it.
> Thank you, George W. Bush, for saving millions of women and girls
> from a fate worse than death by getting rid of the Taliban, so they
> can go to a doctor, go to school, and not be stoned publicly for not
> walking around like little tents.
> For all those of you who haven't made up their minds. I hope this
> will help you.
> As for those who sincerely believe they love Israel but are voting for
> John Kerry, I'd like to say this:
> You are voting for a who wants to bring the US closer to France whose
> Ambassador to England called Israel " that s****y little country ";
> whose former Prime Minister called the establishment of Israel a
> "historic mistake" ; who has seen the most anti-Semitism of any
> European nation since World War Two;who willingly supplied Hussein not
> just with weapons but also with the nuclear reactor that Israel
> destroyed in 1981; and who continues to supply nuclear technology to
> Iran whose desire for nuclear weapons to destroy Israel is well known.
> A man who wants closer ties with the EU, who continues to supply funds
> being used by the Palestinians to commit terror attacks. A man who
> wants approval from the UN, whose ambulances ferry terrorists in Gaza
> to plant bombs to kill Israeli soldiers.
> You are voting for a man who told the Arab-American Institute last
> year "how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli government's
> decision to build a barrier off the Green Line, cutting deeply into
> Palestinian areas" and went on to say that "We do not need another
> barrier to peace... and that provocative and counterproductive
> measures only harm Israel's security over the long term." A fence
> which has reduced terror attacks to almost nothing in it's areas,
> saving thousands of Israeli lives.
> A man who denounced the 'endless cycle of violence and reprisals"
> thereby equating Israel's defensive measures to root out killers to
> the murder of innocent Israelis by Palestinian terrorists; a man whose
> much touted "solid Senatorial record on votes for Israel" amounts to
> painless offers of moral support written and introduced by others. A
> man who in 2000 didn't join 60 co-sponsors of the "Middle East
> Peace Process Support Act" - a bill calling on the President not to
> recognize a unilaterally declared Palestinian state; a man who failed
> to co-sponsor a pro-Israel "Peace Through Negotiations Act." Who in
> 1993 failed to join 55 Senators in signing the Grassley/Lautenberg
> letter to the State Department, demanding that Hamas be listed as a
> terrorist organization. Who did not support the assassination of
> Sheikh Yassin. A man who surrounds himself with Mideast "experts"
> like Sandy Berger, who said in May 2000 that Palestinian violence was
> " a blessing " because it might speed up the negotiating process;
> Martin Indyk an ex-Ambassador to Israel who recently told Israel to
> unilaterally give up the strategically vital Golan Heights to Syria
> because it was the only way to get rid of Hezbollah violence, who is
> widely known as Arafat's Yes-Man .
> You are voting for a slick, multi-millionaire dilettante, who in twenty
> years in the Senate only managed to author, or co-author the following
> (See <A
icle282.html</A> for all bills and the details )
> S.1206: Names a federal building in Waltham, Massachusetts after
> Frederick C. Murphy, who was killed in action during World War II and
> awarded (posthumously) the Medal of Honor. (1994) a..
> S.1636: A save-the-dolphins measure aiming "to improve the program to
> the
> incidental taking of marine mammals during the course of commercial
> fishing operations." (1994)
> S.1563: Funding the National Sea
> Grant College Program, which supports university-based research,
> public education, and other projects "to promote better understanding,
> conservation and use of America's coastal resources." (1991)
> S.423: Granting a visa and admission to the U.S. as a permanent
> resident to Kil Joon Yu Callahan. (1987)
> H.R.1900 (S.300) Awarded a congressional gold medal to Jackie Robinson
> (posthumously),
> and called for a national day of recognition. (2003)
> H.R.1860(S.856): Increased the maximum research grants for small
> from $500,000 to $750,000 under the Small Business Technology Transfer
> Program. (2001)
> S.J.Res.158: To make the week of Oct. 22 Oct.
> 28, 1989 "World Population Awareness Week." (1989)
> S.J.Res.160: To renew "World Population Awareness Week" for 1991.
> S.J.Res.318: To make Nov. 13, 1992 "Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th
> Anniversary Day." (1992)
> S.J.Res.337: To make Sept. 18, 1992"National POW/MIA Recognition Day."
> S.Res.123: To change the name of the Committee on Small Business to
> "Committee on Small
> Business and Entrepreneurship." (2001)
> S.Res.133: To make May 21, 1991 "National Land Trust Appreciation
> S.Res.144: To encourage the European Community to vote to ban
> driftnets for all European Community fishing fleets. (1991 )
> S.Res.216: Honoring Milton D. Stewart for his leadership and service
> at the Small Business Administration. (2002)
> S.Con.Res.26: Calling for the United States to support a new
> providing for
> a ban on commercial mining of minerals in Antarctica. (1991)
> For all those of you who decide that you prefer this man to one who (in
> words of one list-member) "took out Saddam Hussein, stepped on Arafat's
> neck, backed Israel's war on the terrorists, and gave the EU and UN
> Palestinian apologists the mighty finger" what can I say?
> I wish you the joy of your conscience come voting day.
> I'd also like to say this: If George W. Bush is elected (please God),
> expect him to
> do things I won't like? Do I expect him to pressure Israel into doing
things I
> don't approve of?
> You bet I do, I'm not naive. But given my choice, I also expect to be
around at
> the end of the next four years
> to vote again. With Kerry, I'm not so sure.
לפני 19 שנים • 22 באוק׳ 2004
כלובי • 22 באוק׳ 2004

Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 22 באוק׳ 2004

well, what can I say

Mistress Gatta • 22 באוק׳ 2004
Well, what can I say about the last reply posted in this forum?- we live thank G-d in a free society, where freedom of speech is highly respected, and everyone has the right to voice his or her opinion. It's just makes me sad that Mr. Arafat has the same opinion as my last respondent.