סופשבוע נעים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

למה אנחנו פה?

מחשבות על תודעה. אהבה. שליטה והקלות הבלתי נסבלת של הקיום
לפני חודש. 19 באוגוסט 2024 בשעה 15:49

Dynamics of Power

In the dim-lit room where shadows play,
He stands, a figure cloaked in night,
With eyes that pierce the veil of day,
A master of the silent rite.

She kneels before him, heart a drum,
A willing soul, a whispered plea,
In chains of silk, she’s come undone,
To find her truth, to set her free.

He speaks in tones both firm and soft,
A voice that binds, a gentle reign,
In every word, her spirit aloft,
A dance of pleasure, a touch of pain.

The power shifts, a subtle grace,
In every glance, in every sigh,
A sacred bond, a secret place,
Where she can soar, where she can fly.

In this exchange, they both are found,
A balance struck, a tethered flight,
In giving up, she wears the crown,
In taking charge, he finds the light.

Together they weave a tapestry,
Of trust and strength, of dark and bright,
In the dance of power, they both agree,
To lose themselves, to find the night.