עומדת על 4,
5 דקות הפסקה,
מרגיש מוזר, מרגיש חשוף - אבל עדיין נעים
רוצה ויתור רוצה לעבור לדבר הבא.
רוצה לגעת בעצמי לבד ,בלי שתגיד לי די...
שונאת את כל המצב הזה ולא בא לי להיות כאן, אבל נהנת מצד שני, כי זה מה שאתה רוצה...
לא אוהבת את הפתיחות המאולצת הזו בכלל 😄
ראש בקיר
אלה רק מחשבות בראש מתוסבך.I don't get involved. At least not for now, don't really need it.
I'm happy enough. Without thinking about what happened. On what will be. living in the moment really- but my way.
All these roles I change to please you. And at the end what really turned your head was not about me at all - , freakin you're not mine.
These attempts to get close to you, a little more, to understand you, and another try to connect you. I want to be someone special. Special just for you. Because you are so special to me. Different from the others' , might be surprising you're far my age. the normal guys i got no interes in. even tho i can get them easily.
feeling hard on me that finally it's known im the only one to hurt and stay with just me and this emotion.
but i prefer all this - of giving up the little i got of you ,even that i can watch the end on my head.
Im still pleased. =][color=purple]