בוקר טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב


Mistress Gatta
לפני 20 שנים • 25 באוג׳ 2004


Mistress Gatta • 25 באוג׳ 2004
i have my ideas posted before under WELCOME, but now i would like to hear any input from others. thanks.
עמק יא רוק​(אחר)​{הנסיכה ברנ}
לפני 20 שנים • 25 באוג׳ 2004
Just like you I belive BDSM should not be an IN YOUR FACE but a more sattle and intimate life style.
there is no need for revolution in this essue, belive me , I would love to see more and more Israelis getting into it, and having fun in fetish festivals, But: there is no room for BDSM parads in Israel for that.
Like you said , the homo lesbo comunnity hasa diffrent agenda then ours, so we should set our goals towards finding those issuse that are important to us, like the freedom to have our partys in peace , and do our best to reach those goals that we set.

לפני 20 שנים • 28 באוג׳ 2004
melody • 28 באוג׳ 2004
I agree with Emek.
Personally , I have no need whatsoever for big parades or for any acknowledgement from anyone.
My BDSM is very intimate, private and personal.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 20 שנים • 28 באוג׳ 2004


Mistress Gatta • 28 באוג׳ 2004
BDSM is private, intimate and loving. Actually we have no agenda, no need to be in anybody's face, just the right to have our clubs, websites, publication, art, etc. and we do have it! so what else is there?
לפני 20 שנים • 28 באוג׳ 2004
melody • 28 באוג׳ 2004
We still need some peace and understanding between ourselves, in our small community.....
Mistress Gatta
לפני 20 שנים • 28 באוג׳ 2004

we do need it

Mistress Gatta • 28 באוג׳ 2004
yes, more then anything else we need understanding and love in our own community, among ourselves. all petty fights, envy, etc. should have no place among those who desire understanding from outsiders.