ערב טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

שפיכה נשית

dr jekyll and MASTER hyde{♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦}
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005
את זה את עושה בלי שאומרים לך אפילו.
שאני אחשוב?
שאני אפקוד עלייך לעשות דבר בסיס שכזה?
שרפתי קלוריה!!!
אדון החלומות
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

כמובן שהעיניין אינו מיתוס

אדון החלומות • 29 במאי 2005
למרות שמצפיה בסירטונים שרצים ברשת,
קשה מאוד להאמין שקיימת תופעה כזו עוצמתית,
זה קיים.

ניתקלתי בחיי במעט בנות שהיו מסוגלות להגיע לזה,
כמו שהבנתי, הקושי המרכזי בלהגיע לאורגזמה כזו,
היא התחושה של אותה בחורה שהיא עומדת להשתין,
מה שבאופן פסיכולוגי, עוצר אותה מלהמשיך להתרכז בגמירה.

ברגע שעוברים את המחסום הזה, הדרך לזה היא יותר קלה.

כמו שאמרו קודמיי, קל יותר להגיע לזה בעזרת האצבעות
וגירוי נקודת הג'י.

לא מסכים עם זה ששימוש בדילדו גדול בהכרח יגרה
את נקודת הג'י ויעזור להגיע לשפיכה, מניסיון שלי,
אצבעות הם הדבר הכי יעיל.

רוב השופכות שפגשתי היו מסוגלות להמשיך עוד ועוד ועוד ועוד
עד שאחד מאיתנו "נשבר".

וכן, אחרי המון שאלות ומחקרים, הובהר לי שהרכב הנוזל
משתנה מבחורה לבחורה (ואולי משפיכה לשפיכה?)
לרוב הוא מורכב מעירבוב של שתן ונוזל המופרש מבלוטה המקבילה
לבלוטת הערמונית אצל הגבר.
אצל חלק מהנשים הריכוז של השתן יותר גבוה, ואצל אחר
הריכוז של הנוזל השני יותר גבוה.

ואלה היו 60 שניות על שפיכה נשית.
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005
nerissa​(אחרת) • 29 במאי 2005
זה קיים
זה כייף
זה שחרור פיזי מדהים
זה נכון שזה רק מבפנים
זה בהחלט מתיש
אותי זה מביך לאללה עד כדי דמעות (ואולי אלו דמעות שחרור. לא יודעת)
ולצערי זה לא משהו רגיל. זה קרה במספר מקרים.

אני חושבת שזה לא רק קשור למידת הגירוי הפנימי אלא למידת השחרור הפיזי ובעיקר המנטאלי שלך. אצלי בכל אופן.
אם את עצורה, זה לא יקרה.
את צריכה להיות משוחררת לגמרי, לא לחשוב על זה בכלל.. לזרום ולשקוע בתחושות ולא לחשוב מילימטר מעבר. לא לחשוב בכלל יותר עדיף icon_lol.gif
סאבספייס בהחלט "מעודד" שפיכות נשיות.

בגלל התחושה שעוד מעט את משתינה, לפעמים נותר איזה ברקס פסיכולוגי, רפלקס כמעט, העוצר אותך מלהגיע לשם. ברגע שתעברי את המעצור הזה כך שגם אם תשתיני שם זה לא ממש משנה לך - תוכלי לעבור אל מעבר ל..וילון הזה לאורגזמה עילאית icon_smile.gif

לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005
nerissa​(אחרת) • 29 במאי 2005
וואי.. אדון החלומות, כמעט גמרנו ביחד וכמעט אותו הדבר icon_lol.gif
אדון החלומות
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

נו נאריסה, את יודעת טוב ש...

אדון החלומות • 29 במאי 2005
nerissa כתב/ה:
וואי.. אדון החלומות, כמעט גמרנו ביחד וכמעט אותו הדבר icon_lol.gif

Practice makes perferct

אז יאללה לעבודה icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif
בכוח המוח-אשה
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

טוב טוב

בכוח המוח-אשה • 29 במאי 2005
שוכנעתי בגדול.

יש דרך לאימון עצמי, בלי דילדואי ענק?

אני שואלת בשביל כל אלה שמתביישות לשאול, לא בשבילי.
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

Re: טוב טוב

orit{{ML}} • 29 במאי 2005
בכוח המוח-אשה כתב/ה:
שוכנעתי בגדול.

יש דרך לאימון עצמי, בלי דילדואי ענק?

אני שואלת בשביל כל אלה שמתביישות לשאול, לא בשבילי.

icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

נסי לפסטנג את עצמך icon_smile.gif
אולי דילדו, כמו שהציע ברוטל ?
אדון החלומות
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

Re: טוב טוב

אדון החלומות • 29 במאי 2005
בכוח המוח-אשה כתב/ה:
שוכנעתי בגדול.

יש דרך לאימון עצמי, בלי דילדואי ענק?

אני שואלת בשביל כל אלה שמתביישות לשאול, לא בשבילי.

למיטב ידיעתי קשה מאוד לאישה להביא את עצמה למצב כזה,
משום שישנם כמה קשיים :

1. קשה לאישה לגרות לעצמה את נקודת הג'י.
2. כאשר מישהו "אחר" עושה את זה, יותר קל לעבור את הגבול, ולהתגבר
על הרפלקס המותנה לעצירת הפעולה ברגע שיש תחושה של רצון להשתין.

כמובן שיש יוצאי דופן, וכמובן שיש טכניקות שונות,
אך למיטב ידיעתי - יותר קל עם שותף.

אימון נעים.
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

some help

Bent • 29 במאי 2005
Female Ejaculation- Did you know that ALL women are capable of it? It’s True!

By Lisa S. Lawless, R.M., C.E.O.
Psychotherapist, Ph.D. Candidate
Founder Of Holistic Wisdom

You may have heard of female ejaculation, or you may not even
know what it is, as many people do not. Female ejaculation is
not only very real, it is something that ALL women can achieve,
and is a very basic female sexual response that has remained a
mystery until recently.

All women can learn to ejaculate as much as two cups of fluid
and spray it across the length of a room! Oh sure, there are a
lot of myths out there regarding this exquisite female sexual
response. Some claim the whole premise of female ejaculation is
untrue, others claim only “special” women are capable and still
others try and tell you ridiculous techniques based on myths
such as suggesting that women should tighten their Kegel
(vaginal wall) muscles to make it happen.

These types of statements are simply untrue. While women have
differences in their genitalia (just as men do) all women are
capable of squirting these lovely orgasmic juices with the right
techniques. It is no different than all men being capable of
ejaculating no matter the size or shape of their penis. The only
reason that most people do not know about or understand how to
achieve female ejaculation is from the sheer lack of
understanding women’s sexuality.

When I first heard about female ejaculation I was in my late
twenties. Being a sexually knowledgeable and adventurous woman
as well as a psychotherapist specializing in sexual issues, I
was shocked that I had never heard about it, let alone done it.

I personally discovered female ejaculation after having a very
open and enlightening discussion with a girlfriend, whom told me
that she did the “wildest thing” when she had an orgasm (and
sometimes just when she was sexually aroused). I of course was
very intrigued about this, and ended up asking her a lot of
questions about how it happened for her. I then went to the
Internet to find out more, and was met with a great deal of
inaccurate, conflicting information about female ejaculation.
What was a chick to do? I wanted to know more about it, and most
importantly at the time, I wanted to know if I could do it too.
I began a mission of researching through medical journals,
interviews with physicians, sex therapists and my clients who
came to me for psychotherapy.

After all my research, and developing a few theories of my own,
I decided that I simply had to try to see if I could do it. I am
happy to say that I did it during my first attempt through
masturbating. It was so simple! There were a few things that I
learned and did in preparation that made it possible and there
are a lot of things I learned along the way which turned into a
150 page book and 90 minute video! For the sake of keeping this
article and not a book, let me give you a quick overview of how
female ejaculation occurs so that you get a general idea of how
all of this works. First let’s get the myths out of the way and
review what is true and untrue about it.

The Myths & Truth About Female Ejaculation-


1) Female ejaculation does not exist.

2) Only rare women can achieve female ejaculation.

3) Kegel exercise is the key to achieving
female ejaculation.

4) Only women with prominent G-Spots can
achieve female ejaculation.

5) Female ejaculation can only be achieved through
G-Spot orgasms.

6) Gynecologists are educated about this issue
and provide women with correct information.

7) Women can only excrete a drop or two of
female ejaculate, and if it is more (especially
in the amounts that some women claim 1-2
cups) then it would be urine.

icon_cool.gif Female ejaculation is or becomes urinary

9) Women who have given birth are the only
women capable of female ejaculation.

10) There is only one way to achieve female


1) Female ejaculation comes from the
Skenes/Paraurethral glands (also known as
the G-Spot).

2) Women do not realize that they can
ejaculate because they are missing the cues
of when they can do it.

3) There are specific techniques that can be
taught to a woman to teach her how to do it
and how to hold it if she does not wish to

4) Women can ejaculate without having a
G-Spot orgasm and for that matter without
having an orgasm at all!

5) Women can increase the amount of fluid
they ejaculate by following specific steps.

6) Women can ejaculate multiple times within a
short period.

7) Female ejaculation is not urine, is much like
the consistency of water, is clear in color,
and usually smells like nothing or has a
slight sweet scent.

icon_cool.gif OBGYNs and other physicians often
misunderstand or even misdiagnose
female ejaculation.

You may be wondering “If all women are capable, then why is it
that many women have never done it?” This is a very good
question, and is easily explained. Let’s begin with reviewing
some basic information about the female anatomy to better
understand how this works.

Where Does Female Ejaculation Come From?

Female ejaculation is a fluid that is pushed out of the urethra
(pee-hole- just like urine) however, unlike urine it comes from
the Paraurethral/Skenes glands (located under and making up the
G-Spot) during sexual arousal.

How Is Female Ejaculate Different Than Regular Cum?

There are two types of female cum that can be excreted during
sexual arousal. They are clinically termed as urethral and
vaginal ejaculation fluids. The one most commonly seen in our
culture is vaginal ejaculate, which lubricates the vaginal walls
and oozes out during sexual arousal. You probably have noticed
it is milky and ranges in its thickness and odor based on a
woman’s diet, overall health and the phase she is experiencing
within her menstrual cycle.

Urethral ejaculate is what we are referring to when describing
female ejaculation and is less common. It is the watery
ejaculate that sprays or gushes out and is the one that is
generally less known about. Again, this is not because only a
few, special women are capable, but rather due to lack of
understanding of women’s sexual health issues in this culture.

What Is In The Fluid?

Let me get the biggest myth out of the way- IT IS NOT URINE.
Upon testing the liquid, scientists have found that it contains
levels of glucose (sugar), and an enzyme (prostatic acid
phosphatase), which is characteristic of a major component in
semen. It is similar to the prostate fluid within male
ejaculation but without the sperm. There are also two other
substances contained in the fluid, commonly found in urine (urea
and creatinine), which are found in trace amounts. It is a
unique substance, and unlike the heavier and thicker fluid that
you would typically see when a woman is “wet” or has had an

How Much Ejaculate Comes Out?

Most women can gush as much as 1.5 - 2 cups of the fluid when
ejaculating. However this can be affected by how hydrated a
woman is, how much she pushes while ejaculating, and other

Why Don’t Most Women Know About It Or Do It?

Female ejaculation is not difficult; its techniques are just not
known about by many. Because women typically don’t know about
the elusive reasons they are not doing it, they are usually
sabotaging their chances for gushing female ejaculate when they
are having an orgasm.

One of the main reasons that women do not know they can do it is
because women will often feel like they need to urinate when
they are ready to expel the ejaculate and because they think
that urine will come out, which it will not, they hold back. You
see the G-Spot (Skenes Glands) fill up with the female ejaculate
fluid and this puts pressure on the urethra (pee-tube) thus,
making it feel like she has to urinate when in actuality she
could ejaculate if she simply pushed instead of holding back.

There are sure-fire methods, techniques and ways to achieve it
as well as overcome inhibitors, yet the issue of holding back
for fear of urinating is a big factor for many women. The
ejaculation techniques that I have begun training thousands of
women and their partners have been quite effective and not only
allow for amazing ejaculations but will also intensify any type
(women are capable of eight) of orgasm to mind blowing levels.
Are There Health Problems For Women Who Do It?

No, in fact that is one of the reasons I am so passionate about
teaching women and their partners about female ejaculation
because unlike what many think, there is nothing abnormal or
unhealthy about it. Did you know that thousands of women each
year are told that a normal female sexual response such as
female ejaculation is a medical problem (incontinence, which it
is not) or something that they should be ashamed of as they are
thought to be maliciously urinating on their partner(s)?

Because women can gush as much as two cups of ejaculate, many
people think that it must be urine. Often women who do not know
what is happening (and there are many) are embarrassed, confused
and find it to be of great concern. It does not help that most
health practitioners are not informed about it as many women are
being told they require surgery and/or psychotherapy for this
normal female sexual response!

If there is one thing that I can stress, it is that female
ejaculation is not only visually erotic, but it feels incredible
to do it. The kind of sexual release that a woman feels from
this powerful gush is like no other.
אדון החלומות
לפני 19 שנים • 29 במאי 2005

Re: some help

אדון החלומות • 29 במאי 2005
bent_wordsmith כתב/ה:

הכל ניפלא אולם
פיסקה חמישית לקראת הסוף :

I began a mission of researching through medical journals,
interviews with physicians, sex therapists and my clients who
came to me for psychotherapy.

ואני אומר, רגע אחד, יש פה הודעה על שבירת האתיקה המיקצועית
הד"ר המכובדת מצהירה שהיא התחילה לראיין מטופלים שלה שבאו
לטיפול, על נושא שלא קשור בכלל לטיפול - כך זה לפחות משתמע מהדברים,
ואני אומר,
