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קריאה לפעולה - תמיכה בקיום אירוע IML 2007 - כולנו מוזמנים...

לפני 17 שנים • 13 ביוני 2007

קריאה לפעולה - תמיכה בקיום אירוע IML 2007 - כולנו מוזמנים...

Dan_Kap​(שולט){f,yt,D,תכ} • 13 ביוני 2007

Action Alert
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

Support the Palmer House Hilton, Host Hotel for IML

Please write a short note of support for the Palmer House Hilton,
host hotel for International Mr. Leather, thanking them for not
discriminating against any guests or groups based on their sexual
orientation. The anti-gay group, Americans For Truth, posted an
action alert calling for people to protest the "homosexual
orgies" that take place at the "sadistic sexual perversion-fest
known as International Mr. Leather." AFT website:

The Palmer House Hilton has been a staunch supporter of the Fair
Accommodations Act in working with alternative lifestyle groups,
particularly IML. Please email your note of appreciation to:

Stephen Bollenback, CEO
Hilton Hotels Corporation

Trina Owens
Hilton Hotels Corporation

Peter Lynn, General Manager
Palmer House Hilton


The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national
organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social
environment in the United States that advances equal rights of
consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual
expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting
adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory
communities, who often face discrimination because of their
sexual expression.

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
822 Guilford Avenue, Box 127
Baltimore, MD 21202-3707