צהריים טובים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

elections in USA

Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 25 באוק׳ 2004

go Kerry, go- I DON'T THINK SO....

Mistress Gatta • 25 באוק׳ 2004
In the recent interview on Fox News with O'Reilly Factor, former Ambassador Richard Holbrook, who is looking to become Secretary of State if Kerry is elected, openly admitted to the fact if Kerry administration comes to power, there would be lots of pressure applied to Israel, that future administration would try to appease all Arab countries and play to the side of our so called allies. Yep, Israel really needs someone like Kerry especially now when internal turmoil is making country vulnerably more then ever. So go, Kerry, go- makes no sense!!!
Together we stand, divided we fall
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 27 באוק׳ 2004

few more words on john kerry

Mistress Gatta • 27 באוק׳ 2004
Former U.S. president Bill Clinton continued his support for the Democratic presidential hopeful Tuesday, telling an election meeting at a synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida that John Kerry is "a loyal friend of Israel." ( yep, especially after Richard Brooke, who is looking at the position of Secretary of State if Kerry elected, openly declared that Kerry would apply pressure on Israel to appease Arabs and Europeans)

Clinton was introduced to the crowd by Cameron Kerry, a brother of the Democratic candidate, who has converted from Catholicism to Judaism
Little reminder- even less then 2 years ago Mr.Kerry did not know that he even had Jewish blood, but now, Baruch Ashem, he does, and not only that, he now has Jewish brother. Indeed, our Kerry changed his positions more times then even mentioned in the book of Kamasutra!!!
Well, like it was said last St. Patrick's day - everybody is Irish on that day, but John Kerry!

Together we stand, divided we fall
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 2 בנוב׳ 2004

I voted, did you?

Mistress Gatta • 2 בנוב׳ 2004
ok, I just went and voted. my candidate WAS NOT indorsed by Osama or Arafat, or anti-Semitic European Union. Was yours?
Together we stand, divided we fall
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 3 בנוב׳ 2004


Mistress Gatta • 3 בנוב׳ 2004
just wondering, how long would it take my friends to send their congratulations....... WE WON!!!
Together we stand, divided we fall
לפני 19 שנים • 3 בנוב׳ 2004
Donatien​(שולט) • 3 בנוב׳ 2004
So the bloody fucking idiot has won.

What do we get?

War, deficit, no gay marriage, recession, Ashcroft going ape over pornography, restriction of civil rights, more conservative supreme court judge, probable reversal of Roe vs. Wade

Yay, morons rejoyce.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 3 בנוב׳ 2004

sour loser

Mistress Gatta • 3 בנוב׳ 2004
well, what can be said about the last reply.... not much...
typical leftist rant with no original thought... but freedom of speech is a great thing. I hope my friend your are mourning now, because I and so many of others are celebrating today!
Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 4 בנוב׳ 2004

words from my President

Mistress Gatta • 4 בנוב׳ 2004
Dear Gatta,

We had a long night -- and we had a great night. The voters turned out in record numbers and delivered an historic victory.

I want to thank our supporters across this country. At every stop I asked you to make the calls, put up the signs, talk to your neighbors, and get out the vote. And because you did your part, we are celebrating today. Thanks to you, we received more votes than any presidential ticket in history.

America has spoken. And I am humbled by the trust and confidence of my fellow citizens. With that trust comes a duty: I will serve all Americans, so help me God. I am proud to lead such an amazing country -- and I am proud to lead it forward.

Reaching our goals will require the broad support of Americans. A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one Constitution, and one future that binds us all. And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America.

A campaign has ended, and our cause is renewed. The United States of America goes forward with confidence and faith. I can see a new day coming, and I am eager for the work ahead. God bless you all, and God bless America.
לפני 19 שנים • 7 בנוב׳ 2004
Master_Abra_Kadabra​(שולט) • 7 בנוב׳ 2004
Well, now after the vote is behind us, all we can say is that we learned a thing or two about how difficult it is to take chances and trust the unknown
how easy it is to stick to your old habit

either good or bad

In the American eye Bush has started an agenda
and nothing is more sacred than an agenda
there you go