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LIFE>>>>> by LG

Mistress Gatta
לפני 17 שנים • 1 בינו׳ 2007

LIFE>>>>> by LG

Mistress Gatta • 1 בינו׳ 2007
life like merry go round
bought a ticket, got a ride
but sometimes it swings around
pushing you away, aside

life can be like game of chess
pawns can turn into the queens
and becoming men of means
have the power to bless
or to damn or curse at you.....
try to see it and construe

we are people of free will
but sometimes a bitter pill
life serves us on silver plate
swallow it but don't wait
don't expect a sugar candy
get what's yours and don't delay
don't you wait until your grey

life is what occurs today!!!!!!
Lady Gatta