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september 11th - your thoughts

עמק יא רוק​(אחר){הנסיכה ברנ}
לפני 19 שנים • 11 בספט׳ 2004

september 11th - your thoughts

today, three years ago, america woke up to a new era,
where were you that day?

Ihave been at my tiny apartment in Fall river MA , watching NBC

לפני 19 שנים • 12 בספט׳ 2004
כלובי • 12 בספט׳ 2004

I was unemployed, at home, at that time my dream was to become a R&D Manager in a start up company, preferably somewhere high in the world trade center.
As I watched the buildings collapse from a small apartment I rent in Tel Aviv (with a roommate), I learned that I must reconsider my dreams.

Up to this very day the pictures are shocking and impossible to beleive/
לפני 19 שנים • 12 בספט׳ 2004
crazy_toast​(שולט){אליס} • 12 בספט׳ 2004
was in my place , I was 20, soldier on a vaction from the military service
i'm used to wake up early every morning and i was thr first to call my friends
i remember just sitting on my bed and staring at the TV
the all situation was really shocking
the strongest memory i have is the part where the cnn reporter talks to the camera after the first building collepses and in the background the other suddenly start to colleps too
Mistress Gatta
לפני 19 שנים • 14 בספט׳ 2004
Mistress Gatta • 14 בספט׳ 2004
I usually get up by 8 30, but that day I overslept. My neihbour woke me up with horrible screams put on tv, something horrific just accured. By that time second building was hit. But even then we all thought it was just an accident, few minutes later we already knew... All my non-jewish friend could say at that time was: now I know exactly what it feels like to live in Israel.....