אחר צהריים טובים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

המתת השור

לפני 14 שנים. 5 בנובמבר 2009 בשעה 22:42

times and their lengths
פורסם לפני 1118 ימים ב - 15 באוקטובר, 2006 בשעה 12:12
there are times for anger
hitting the wall as a returning ball
time for silence
carrying rampant monologues
, inside spring that never see the light
there is for indiffierence
for forgivness and for anger again
false hope, true, hope, real lies and false truths
there is time to grow, to go, to flow
time to stay and pray
say a little pray for me tonight
time to suffer, time for each bone to carry its burden
time to exist
time to die
in between little renaissances
in between trifle births
time to dry; time to lay,; time to die the little death of orgasms
and stay naked whay back after it finishes
but the longest time of all,
is that of a cigarette consumed
when a relationship tastes llike ashes
time passed

anyone has read "a shor history of time ? "

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