he who thinks deos not have his / her space in the society of tomorrow
if the nineteenth century was giving a large room for thinkers...and finally, if not firstly, scientists were originating their search from within the roots of intellectual quest for an absolute truth, or a few for the sake of compromise
today, these type of homo sapiens idealis is not in the forefront anymore but yet, related more and more to the background and soon in the dumsters of humanity
money seems to grease of the weel
and its goal too
but then, when the mean is set up as the goal, we tend to loose our soul on the way
but still, could we say that we have a soul today
what does it mean after all ?
so little anymore, we dont bare the grunt of depth the joy of living the marvels of universe
that now, the animals seems to bare the transfer and they, there should we find our real core and essence
I once had a friend who said to me and I shall never forget her sentence : thinkings is not needed to think but to feel