I dont take disapointment very well.
Maybe should I take it with an air of awe and acceptance. but no, i tke it as I always used to take it, with a tremendous envy of rebillious fury
there has been attempts along my life to make me believe that this should be taken as the wrong
that the problem was actually enbedded in me...
it is this sort of manipulation that most 2nd type minority groups are taught and which is reprodruced all along history
but it comes always to terrible results.
i actually study a course of Yale of morality and psychology that is, in its first part, is there any intrinseque morality in men altogether...
that is : are there universal laws for morality and an period where all seem to belonging to a spineless relativism.
the answer seems to be both in nature. hybridis.
a comportement, will always, at one moment or another be rebouncing a certain kind of wall.
wether this wall is of a different nature than the one that used to be a hundred years ago, or even a decade ago...
my question is : where deos all this knowledge will go once it is tossed in to the sea of death,