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"Be Negative", By HIV positive
לפני 17 שנים. 19 בפברואר 2007 בשעה 16:21

Sonnet Of The Vampire by Me (Enjoy)

Belifes and preachers all around,
But there's no god that I have seen.
Only I was left, live undergroud,
Alife much more than ever been.

I left my home, forgot the passion,
Just pray alone in the dark,
But no one hearing my confession.
I sold my soul, I have his mark.

My body is dead, but still remember
The love I've felt, the tears I cried
And like the winter in December
Killing the treas, so have I died.

Just thirst, just Blood is all my feeling;
Just hide and run - protect your being.

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

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