סופשבוע נעים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב


An outlet for u
לפני שנה. 16 בדצמבר 2023 בשעה 13:50

I broke back down after us.

when I broke things myself, I was fine.

no you know what? I was on top of the world.

but knowing you gave yourself up? Us up? Triggered my fear of abandonment.

But I see clearly now.

im back on my shit.

im the fucking princess.

Next level- queen.


but I’ll always be a princess 👑

Charlie Zחשבון מאומת - The world is round, so it all depends on our mindset - if we want to be forever on the tip of the world.
לפני שנה
princessv​(נשלטת) - I just needed to remember who the fuck I am🥰
לפני שנה

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