בוקר טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב


לפני חודשיים. 4 באפריל 2024 בשעה 7:32

In the mirror's gaze, doubts may rise,
But within, a spark of strength lies.
Believe in the power you possess,
For within you, lies boundless success.

Trust the whispers of your heart,
Let doubts and fears depart.
In every step, in every choice,
Listen to your inner voice.

Through storms and shadows, you'll find light,
Guiding you through the darkest night.
Embrace your journey, chase your dreams,
For in yourself, the answer gleams.

So stand tall, with unwavering faith,
In your abilities, your worth, and your fate.
Believe in yourself, and you will find,
A universe of possibilities, uniquely designed

הערב מופע הארנבות מארחים את פורטיס#

!!אסור להחמיץ

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