DAVID BYRNE lyrics - "In The Future"
In the future everyone will have the same haircut and the same clothes.
In the future everyone will be very fat from the stachy diet.
In the future everyone will be very thin from not having enough to eat.
In the future it will be next to impossible to tell girls from boys, even in bed.
In the future men will be 'super masculine' and women will be 'ultra-feminine'.
In the future half of us will be 'mentally ill'.
In the future there will be no religion or spirtualism of any sort.
In the future the 'psychic arts' will be put to practical use.
In the future we will not think that 'nature' is beautiful.
In the future the weather will always be the same.
In the future no one will fight with anyone else.
In the future there will be an atomic war.
In the future water will be expensive.
In the future all material items will be free.
In the future everyone's house will be like a little fortress.
In the future everyone's house will be a total entertainment centre.
In the future everyone but the wealthy will be very happy.
In the future everyone but the wealthy will be very filthy.
In the future everyone but the wealthy will be very heathly.
In the future TV will be so good that the printed word will function as an artform only.
In the future people with boring jobs will take pills to relieve the boredom.
In the future that no one will live in cities.
In the future there will be mini-wars going on everywhere.
In the future everyone will think about love all the time.
In the future political and other decisions will be based completely on opinion polls.
In the future there will be machines which will produce a religious experience in the user.
In the future there will be groups of wild people, living in the wilderness.
In the future there will only be paper money which will be personalised.
In the future there will be a classless society.
In the future everyone will only get to go home once a year.
In the future everyone will stay home all the time.
In the future we will not have time for leisure activities.
In the future we will only 'work' one day a week.
In the future our bodies will be shrivelled up but our brains will be bigger.
In the future there will be starving people everywhere.
In the future people will live in space.
In the future no one will be able to afford TV.
In the future the helpless will be killed.
In the future everyone will have their own style of way-out clothes
In the future we will make love to anything, anytime, anywhere
In the future there will be so much going on that no one will be able to keep track of it.
בגוב העריות
ג'וזף הלר בפרווה.Let X=X / Laurie Anderson
I met this guy - and he looked
like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink.
Which, in fact, he turned out to be.
And I said: Oh boy.
Right again.
Let X=X.
You know, it could be you.
It's a sky-blue sky.
Satellites are out tonight.
Let X=X.
You know, I could write a book.
And this book
would be thick enough to stun an ox.
Cause I can see the future
and it's a place - about 70 miles east of here.
Where it's lighter.
Linger on over here.
Got the time?
Let X=X.
I got this postcard.
And it read, it said:
Dear Amigo - Dear Partner.
Listen, uh - I just want to say thanks.
Thanks for all the presents.
Thanks for introducing me to the Chief.
Thanks for putting on the feedbag.
Thanks for going all out.
Thanks for showing me your Swiss Army knife.
and uh - Thanks for letting me autograph your cast.
Hug and kisses.
Oh yeah, P.S.
I - feel - feel like - I am –
in a burning building –
and I gotta go.
Cause I - I feel - feel like - I am –
in a burning building –
and I gotta go.
Big Science / Laurie Anderson
Coo coo it’s cold outside.
coo coo it’s cold outside.
ooo coo coo.
don’t forget your mittens.
hey pal! how do I get to town from here?
and he said:
well just take a right
where they’re going to build that new shopping mall,
go straight past
where they’re going to put in the freeway,
take a left
at what’s going to be the new sports center,
and keep going until you hit the place
where they think of building that drive-in bank.
you can’t miss it.
and I said:
this must be the place.
ooo coo coo.
golden cities. golden towns.
golden cities. golden towns.
and long cars in long lines and big signs
and they all say: hallelujah. yodellayheehoo.
every man for himself.
ooo coo coo.
golden cities. golden towns.
thanks for the ride.
big science. hallelujah.
big science. yodellayheeh
You know, I think we should put some mountains here.
otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of?
and what about stairs?
ooo coo coo.
here’s a man who lives a life in anger.
everywhere he goes he
Stays - a stranger.
howdy stranger.
mind if I smoke?
and he said:
every man, every man for himself.
every man, every man for himself.
all in favor say aye.
big science. hallelujah.
big science. Layheehoo.
hey professor! could you turn out the lights?
let’s roll the film.
big science. hallelujah.
every man, every man for himself.
big science. hallelujah.
חציתי ישראל צפונה, ואז ימינה, ואז הגעתי לאמ-אמא-של-הפחם, או בדיאלקט המקומי, אום-אל-פחם.
הרמזור זרח לו בצבע השלישי מלמטה, ואני מצאתי את דקת העמידה לדבר מאוד מרגיע אחרי מהירות של תרי"ג קמ"ש באח"ב באספלטון החציוני.
לקח לי שניה לראות שעל חוף המובמנט איילנד שמשמאל עובד לו אחד מילדיה הרכים של mama coal. כל כך קטן שהוא היה עובר זקוף מתחת לקצהו של גבעול דשא. כל כך צעיר שנראה שהוא נולד אחרי שאיל ברקוביץ פרש לפרשנות. והוא עובד. rush hours.
משירי הבן העובד.
נראה כאילו אלמודובר שם אותו שם, מאחורי כל תינוק עצמאי עוסק-מורשה-צומת עומדת אמא אלמודוברית עסיסית בגופה ובקללותיה.
קוקו-רוקו-קו........ איי-איי-איי-איי-אייי....
אני מדבר אליה.
אבל מאמא קואל נותרת ללא קול.
יש תמונות שכאשר המצלמה הכי דיגיטלית כבר תשכח, הראש האנלוגי שלי עוד יזכור.
יזכור עם ישראל את היד העובד והלא לומד, שגר באי תנועה עם 4 כיווני נסיעה וחי חודש על הכסף שדרך ארץ הייווייז שודדת ממני על הנסיעה אליו.
israel, a land of high ways and low life.