סופשבוע נעים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

Oh god, not again

לפני 14 שנים. 5 בפברואר 2010 בשעה 23:34

Everybody makes mistakes. OK, so maybe this one was different. I knew it was different, that it was much worse than usual. Still, I don't think it was that bad. Did it really merit the punishment? I still don't think so.
Jennifer came home that night quite late. I could tell she was furious. She didn't fly out in a rage. She's not the type. But she was mad. I could read the signs. And really, she had every reason to be. I messed up. Badly. I knew that. Jennifer didn't get mad easily but when she did it wasn't a pleasant experience.
She had started my education a few weeks after our marriage ceremony. I still remember the first time. I'd forgotten to wash the dishes and she'd come back after what had apparently been a long and frustrating day. She took me to the bedroom and gave me a good talking-to. Then she told me to step out of my pants. I was a bit surprised at this turn of events but glad to end the unpleasantness. But Jennifer had a bigger surprise waiting for me. I was expecting sex but Jennifer had other ideas. Just as my penis was starting to become erect she took me across her knees and started spanking me.
Now, don't get me wrong, Jennifer's no bodybuilder. I could've gotten up anytime I'd wanted to. But the fact of the matter is that the shock of the moment mingled with my guilt and Jennifer's overbearing attitude did more to ensure my submissiveness than any amount of physical strength could have had. Afterwards I guess Jennifer felt mollified and even slightly contrite. Perhaps she thought she had gone too far. My buttocks were so sore that even her caresses were painful. So she laid me on the bed, face down, and smeared some cool lotion on my buttocks. It was pleasant, but hardly made up for the long moments of agony and humiliation which had come first. It was days before the pain subsided completely and weeks before I made any more mistakes like that.
Eventually I forgot about the pain. It was only natural. But each time Jennifer caught me out she would take me across her knees and spank me. Sometimes, when I did something really bad she would tie me to the bedposts standing up and whip me with a sharp little crop I didn't even know she had before our marriage.
This time, however, I knew I'd gone to a whole new level. To my surprise she didn't punish me, not right away. That night I had trouble sleeping. Jennifer refused to talk to me and I didn't really know what was coming.
In the morning Jennifer told me we had to go see a counselor. I didn't think it was a good idea but tiredly agreed. A few days passed and things seemed to go back to normal. I thought Jennifer had decided to let the matter drop. I couldn't have been more wrong.
One day I came home from work to find Jennifer waiting. She told me we had an appointment with the counselor. We got into the car and drove. Jennifer was as chatty as usual. I didn't even know why she wanted to go through with this. I'm more of a let-bygones-be-bygones kind of guy, but I know that Jennifer isn't. Still, if she wanted to talk, I could talk. And if she wanted a counselor, well, I wasn't a complete stranger to the world of therapy. I didn't mind.
The counselor's office was not what I expected. There were no books and no sofa. There was one cupboard in a corner that went all the way up to the ceiling and a huge teak desk backed by a plush chair. The counselor was sitting on the chair when we came in. Even sitting down she was an imposing woman. Every inch of her seemed designed to signal severity and dominance. From her shoulder length black hair, through to her large and shapely breasts and down to her long, and yet far from brittle, fingers. It was her eyes, though, which were her most alarming feature. Even behind her thickly framed black glasses it was hard not to notice how blue they were. They weren't deep or penetrating or bright or any of those things which usually make eyes unusual. They were just blue. Intensely so. I'd never seen anything similar and I hope I never will. I couldn't hold her gaze for more than a moment.
'Welcome, Ms. Chance', she said from the depths of her chair, 'it's good to see you again. I see you've brought your husband.'
We stopped in front of the desk. There were no chairs, oddly. Jennifer stood slightly behind me.
'Thank you for seeing us Dr. Strange.'
Dr. Strange smiled a little smile which did nothing to diminish from her commanding aura.
'Well, we have no time to waste. You've already told me of your problems, it's time to begin the treatment. Ms. Chance…', she motioned towards my wife. I felt Jennifer's thumbs in the back of my pants and felt her sliding them all the way down to my ankles.
I was more shocked than I'd ever been in my entire life. Here I was in an office with my pants around my ankles being examined clinically by a woman I'd only met about thirty seconds ago. The worst of it was that it was my wife who was the cause of all this.
'The shirt too', said Dr. Strange. I was limp with mortification. I felt Jennifer slide my shirt over my head. Except for my socks and shoes I was now completely naked.
'Julian, do you know why you're here?', asked Dr. Strange.
I couldn't even shake my head, let alone talk. Dr. Strange ignored my non-reaction.
'You're' here because you've stepped over a line, a boundary. On the one side is behavior I would expect of a loving partner and on the other is the kind which puts the whole relationship in jeopardy. Ms. Chance would like to continue your relationship but I've told her that if your present behavior goes on that will be impossible. Now you are here so that I can put your relationship back on track. First I'm going to treat this latest lapse in your behavior and then I'm going to show Ms. Chance how to keep you in line.'
She stared straight at my penis for a few seconds as if considering her next move. Then she got up, blindingly fast, and attached a chain to the base of my penis. I felt the chill of it enveloping my penis and continuing all the way to the tip.
The chain seemed to be attached to something below the desk, from my position I couldn't tell exactly what. Dr. Strange got up, she was quite a bit taller than me. She gave a quick, hard pull to the chain which forced me to lie down on the table.
'Julian, look at me.'

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