אחר צהריים טובים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

הבלוג שלי

כל מחשבותיי ושיריי לפניכם
תכבדו אותם
לפני 15 שנים. 23 במאי 2009 בשעה 15:58

She was a slave, nothing more and nothing less
When she was seven, they rapped her in-front her dead parents
They did unspeakable stuff to her and sold her as a slave later on

She was a little girl when she got beaten by her master;
They mistreated her and hated her.
So one night they tried to kill her off
But they didn't finish.

She always blames herself for everything ad thought this is what
She deserved since she killed her parent.
She'd remember how she just stood there,
Staring at they died

She had blamed herself for everything and believed to her soul
That it was her fault and she needed to be punished.
She was only nine then, still so young…

She turned thirteen soon and everything was still down-hill.
Her master started to treat her worse, she gotten burned by them
Now, and sometimes still a little beaten

Yet, she still blamed herself.
Yet, she lived every time even
Through she wanted to die.
She believed that she needed to die for everything.
She felt alone and blamed herself for it.

She soon turned 15, and those men came back.
Her world soon crashed again.
She felt dirty because of what happened.
Soon, they raped her again and still
Her thought were that she deserved this.
No matter how she felt inside.

Now she's seven-teen, being sold of to a slave trader.
Soon she was on display and almost
Every guy wanted her as a slave,
But instead she got sold to something un-human
And soon she died…

And she still thought that she deserved this….

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

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