שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

חולת אהבה בשיכון צריכה זין

ואודה לכל מי שלא יציע לי אותו כאן. אני לא בעניין.
אני כאן לצרכי כתיבה וביטוי אישי אנונימי בלבד.
לפני 16 שנים. 11 בדצמבר 2007 בשעה 17:04

מתוך מאמר בנושא Control Freaks:

Most all of you have had to contend with control freaks. These are those people who insist on having their way in all interactions with you. They wish to set the agenda and decide what it is you will do and when you will do it. You know who they are – they have a driving need to run the show and call the shots. Lurking within the fabric of the conversation is the clear threat that if you do not accede to their needs and demands, they will be unhappy.

Certainly, it’s natural to want to be in control of your life. But when you have to be in control of the people around you as well, when you literally can’t rest until you get your way … you have a personality disorder. While it’s not a diagnostic category found in the DSM IV (the therapist’s bible for diagnostic purposes) an exaggerated emphasis on control is part of a cluster of behaviors that can be labeled as compulsive generally characterized by perfectionism, orderliness, workaholic tendencies, an inability to make commitments or to trust others and a fear of having their flaws exposed.
Deep down, these people are terrified of being vulnerable. They believe they can protect themselves by staying in control of every aspect of their lives, including their relationships. Control freaks take the need and urge to control to new heights, causing others stress so they can maintain a sense of order. These people are riddled with anxiety, fear, insecurity, and anger. They’re very critical of themselves their lover and their friends, but underneath that perfect outfit and great body is a mountain of unhappiness.

The need to control is almost always fueled by anxiety – though control freaks seldom recognize their fears. At work, they may worry about failure. In relationships, they may worry about not having their needs met. To keep this anxiety from overwhelming them, they try to control the people or things around them. They have a hard time with negotiation and compromise and they can’t stand imperfection. Needless to say, they are difficult to live with, work with and/or socialize with.

Bottom Line: In the process of being controlling, their actions say, “You’re incompetent” and “I can’t trust you.” (this is why you hate them). Remember, the essential need of a control freak is to defend against anxiety. Although it may not be apparent to you when they are making their demands, these individuals are attempting to cope with fairly substantial levels of their own anxiety. The control freak is usually fighting off a deep-seated sense of their own helplessness and impotence. By becoming proficient at trying to control other people, they are warding off their own fear of being out of control and helpless. Controlling is an anxiety management tool.

Unfortunately for you, the control freak has a lot at stake in prevailing. While trying to hold a conversation and engage them in some way, their emotional stakes involve their own identity and sense of well-being. Being in control gives them the temporary illusion and sense of calmness. When they feel they are prevailing, you can just about sense the tension oozing out of them. The control freak is very frightened. Part of their strategy is to induce that fear in you with the subtle or not so subtle threat of loss. Since the emotional stakes are so high for them, they need to assert themselves with you to not feel so helpless. To relinquish control is tantamount to being victimized and overwhelmed. When a control freak cannot control, they go through a series of rapid phases. First they become angry and agitated, then they become panicky and apprehensive, then they become agitated and threatening, and then they lapse into depression and despair.

Two Types of Control Freaks

Type 1 Control Freaks: The Type 1 control freak is strictly attempting to cope with their anxiety in a self absorbed way. They just want to feel better and are not even very aware of you. You will notice and hear their agitation and tentativeness. They usually do not make much eye contact when they are talking to you.

Type 2 Control Freaks: The Type 2 control freak is also trying to manage their anxiety but they are very aware of you as opposed to the Type 1 control freak. The Type 2 needs to diminish you to feel better. Their mood rises as they push you down. They do not just want to prevail; they also need to believe that they have defeated you. They need you to feel helpless so they will not feel helpless. Their belief is that someone must feel helpless in any interchange and they desperately need to control you.

Keep in mind that control freaks are not trying to hurt you – they’re trying to protect themselves. Remind yourself that their behavior toward you isn’t personal; the compulsion was there before they met you, and it will be their forever unless they get help. Understand that they are skilled manipulators, artful and intimidating, rehearsed debaters and excellent at distorting reality.

“Those who demand the most often give the least.”

אני חושבת שלכולנו יש מה ללמוד מזה

גם לי.

הצלחתי למצוא בעצמי כמה סממנים שדורשים עבודה אישית אבל בגדול קשה לי לומר שאני נופלת תחת ההגדרה.
אני לא מפחדת להתחייב או לבטא את הרגשות האותנטיים שלי ויש בי מלא נתינה.
בשפע יש הרבה מאוד עוצמה ולא סתם עוצמה - חיובית.

קונטרול פריקס לא שולטים בשום דבר מלבד הסבל

ולכן אני חוזרת ואומרת ששולטים אמיתיים הראויים להערצה הם רק אלה המסוגלים להכיל את האחר ואת כאבו בחום ובאהבה.

ואסור, פשוט אסור לסגור את הלב ולהלחם עד מוות ביד חברית המושטת לעזרה.

כולנו צריכים לעשות עבודה על עצמנו ולמצוא את הדרך שלנו לסמוך על אלו הרוצים בטובתנו.

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

הרשמ/י התחבר/י