סופשבוע נעים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

חולת אהבה בשיכון צריכה זין

ואודה לכל מי שלא יציע לי אותו כאן. אני לא בעניין.
אני כאן לצרכי כתיבה וביטוי אישי אנונימי בלבד.
לפני 16 שנים. 25 במרץ 2008 בשעה 17:37

מתוך מכתב שכתבתי לחברה אתמול בלילה, במסגרת החרמנות שהגיעה עם קדחת השחת השנה...:

I'd like u 2 join me and my man sometime.
Here's how we're gonna get started...
He'll be working my pussy first - eating & licking it good - he knows how to do it good & he knows I love him when he loves me like that.
I'd like you to softly kiss my lips when he starts that & roll your tongue around mine a lil bit.
then I want u to softly kiss my neck and roll down with your kissess all the way to my breasts...
Slowly dear, ok?

and when u get 2 my breasts I want u to lick my nipples good.
My titts aren't very big but they're purky & cute.
My nipples are great & I want u to really arouse them with your wet tongue & soft lips ok?

My man is doing the same thing with my clit - I love it.
I'm gonna softly carres his beautifull hair with my left hand & use my other to softly scratch your naked back, carress your breasts & pinch your nipples.
When u guys both do that it doubles the stimulation & ur helping me to cum harder & fast - I need it intense, ok?
I really need to feel it, ok?

I want u to put my entire nipple in your mouth lil dear and swirl your toungue around it good - I really need to feel it.
Don't be shy - make it wet for me babe - I'm making it really wet down there for my man & I love u both so much for loving me like that - keep it going for me babe.... mmmmmm....

switch from one titty 2 another every now & then - don't be shy - I love u when u do that...

Now when I'm close to cumming & I'm gonna be really close, having u & my man do all that I want u both to focus & I'm gonna grab u both a lil harder 'cause we want it hard & intense, ok?

Use the tongue my sweet lil one while my hand's on your titts & my man is loving me with his tongue on my clit - I love u both for it & I'm about to cum really hard & intense so make it strong & fast for me now ok?
Don't stop 'till I say so, ok? I wanna cum good for u guys - help me do that for ya - I love u when u love me like that....

Now I'm cumming really hard & my entire body is shaking - both u & my man are loving me good lil baby & I love u both so much for that - feel how hard I'm cumming 4 ya now - feel my breathing going faster & deeper - hear my moaning & don't stop the stimulation 'till I say so ok?
I wanna max my cum to the very intense I can get...
Ooooooooh.... I loooove it.... yeah..... harder babies - I'm so getting there!
U guys are the best!
let me feel u good - I love it!
Do u love me when I do that? Love me baby - I'm cumming really intense...

When I'm done I'm gonna take your face in my hand, while my beautiful man kissess my inner theies, and kiss your lips with great passion - u'll feel how greatfull I am - let me suck your lips lil one.
I'm gonna kiss my man too for loving me like that - I love him always & forever - my love to him is strong & eternal - he always has to know that & I'm so greatfull to him for loving me back like that... I love to love him!

and my hand will still stroll upon your beautifull breasts
I might let u give just a lil kiss to my man too, just so u can taste my taste...
u'll get to taste it more... don't worry... I know u really wanna kiss it... u wanna lick it - I know... and u will my dear... u wil... 😄
It'll be wonderfull for you, for me & for my man who'll be enjoying the show...

We'll take it from there on our next dance ha?
I hope u enjoyed this one - I really did xxx

תפסיקו למשוך למקומות רעים
שליטה יכולה (וצריכה) להיות דבר נפלא
בהרבה חום ואהבה

שיהיה ערב נפלא

GREEK​(אחר) - קראתי הכול כמו ילד טוב יש לי רק מילה אחת להגיד גררררררבבבבבבבאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאכקקקקקקקחייייייייייייייייייייהקכףךלףףךר,ףעקרתהףרק,נצפצקרפצקרפצףףך,ףך !!!.

זה היה טוב.
לפני 16 שנים
Morticia - :-)
לפני 16 שנים
GREEK​(אחר) - כל מה שכתבתי הוכפל עכשיו
פעם שניה הכי טוב
טוב אחרי דבר כזה חייבים לאכול צהריים
לפני 15 שנים

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

הרשמ/י התחבר/י