סופשבוע נעים אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

ראש בקיר

אלה רק מחשבות בראש מתוסבך.
לפני 13 שנים. 24 ביוני 2011 בשעה 21:01

I don't get involved. At least not for now, don't really need it.

I'm happy enough. Without thinking about what happened. On what will be. living in the moment really- but my way.
All these roles I change to please you. And at the end what really turned your head was not about me at all - , freakin you're not mine.
These attempts to get close to you, a little more, to understand you, and another try to connect you. I want to be someone special. Special just for you. Because you are so special to me. Different from the others' , might be surprising you're far my age. the normal guys i got no interes in. even tho i can get them easily.
feeling hard on me that finally it's known im the only one to hurt and stay with just me and this emotion.
but i prefer all this - of giving up the little i got of you ,even that i can watch the end on my head.
Im still pleased. =][color=purple]

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