This time we went full on electric. I placed sucsion cups on your nipples, and sucked them really well, then electricuted them for aditinal pleasure, I attached cockrings on your penis and electricuted them as well. The response was immediate. Your screams filled the entire club while I felt the hold of Dom Space take over me and my senses that grew sharper and more focused on your pain. I could see your muscles moving to the currents of the electricity, it was so yummy I held myself from licking the electricity the flew into you. When i placed the butt plug and electricuted it too, you were screaming so loudly I knew you will lose your voice. Then came the foam forming on your lips - you were so far in Sub Space I had to take care of you and protect you and help you let go of all rational thought. You were baking from outside and in, and your lungs didn't give in, you kept screaming and everytime I reattached a sucsion cup you would scream harder and feel the fear of the pending pain.
I decided to parade you like that as you felt like taking a walk while electricuted. As we made way through the crowd it seemed you were on a different plane than your tortured body, you were calm and collected while every step was a steady stream of pain. Then you stopped. I stood there watching as the electricity took over you, it was mezmerising. I could feel your erected penis about to explode as the heat took over me, I felt your hard hands-free erruption and it was amazing!!!