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The Wanderer's Library, Part 1

לפני 8 חודשים • 20 בינו׳ 2024

The Wanderer's Library, Part 1

Ashenn​(שולט){noomi} • 20 בינו׳ 2024
Hello! This is a work of fiction, and Isn't my fantasy. It contains actions taken by the lead characters i disagree with.
Please enjoy your time reading!

Ashley was running, her leather boots striking through the puddles that gathered over the cobbled stone street in the pouring rain. Heavy droplets hitting her hood and cloak, soaking through her clothes, she kept running. Going past lit taverns and storefronts, warmth radiating from the fireplaces within, she looked for a place to hide, but they weren't a fit. Bolting down the street, she held tightly onto her side satchel, it contained numerous scrolls she has stolen from the mage's guild, and the guards that were chasing her were intent on getting it back. Turning into one alley, then dashing through a market street, then into another alley, Ashley's legs were screaming in pain. The murmur of everyday life, and the drum of rain that downpoured on the city was drowned out in Ashley's ears by the clanging of metal armor not far behind her, and her own panting. Fast shallow breaths of someone who didn't work out regularly and was now running for their lives.

She was growing desperate, and she felt a stone in her stomach when she turned into a dead end,. The clanging of armor grew louder and the rain poured harder, and the young former-apprentice could hear the shouts of men approaching as well. Her bright green eyes darted around desperately, wet black hair stuck to her face, when she noticed something other then wet stone walls, torn and aged posters, and puddles. A cherry wood door, pristine and strangely dry was tucked into a corner. "*Did i just not notice it? did it just appear here?*" Ashley thought to herself, staring at the intricately carved door. But the sound of metal armor clanging loudly and the shout of "It's a dead end! She must be there" snapped her back to reality. Ashley reached towards the adorned door, grabbing a hold of metallic handle and stepped through the door quickly, closing it behind her.

The first thing that Ashley noticed was the warmth, a pleasant warmth filled the space she arrived at, even though she couldn't locate any source for it, but she didn't have time to enjoy it. Ashley found herself in a massive room, too big to be contained in the buildings the alley divided. Near her was a large counter, made of cherry wood as well, and decorated with intricate carvings of books, dragons, and what seemed like countless globes floating on a starry background. Just beyond the counter were bookshelves, countless, towering up into the darkness to the unseen ceiling and stretching into what seemed like infinity.

Ashley raced forwards, taking turns when bookshelves had breaks between them, trying to make distance between herself and the door, missing the sign on the counter reading 'Please hold'. She raced forwards, her boots making water marks on the hardwood floor and water dripping from her coat, her steps echoing loudly and her lungs on fire from the strenuous activity. As she raced she passed by sitting circles in the intersections of passageways, furnished with couches and reading tables. In the passageways globules of light hanged in mid air, giving soft and warm illumination to the bookshelves. Along the shelves themselves hanged little signs, indicating the topic of the books they carried in several languages.

She finally stopped, once she couldn't see the door anymore, and listened carefully. After a few seconds of holding her breath and hearing no guards, Ashley fell to her knees. Panting, the woman fixed her hair, and mumbled short incantation, and with a motion of her fingers created a hot gust of air around herself, drying her clothes and hair. Before finally examining the magical sight in front of her. Ashley traced her fingers along one of the shelves. In Common it read 'History- Electrum Era- Agriculture', and the text seemed to repeat in Elven, Dwarfish, and a spiky looking script Ashley didn't recognize.

Ashley stood up, standing there still softly panting. Her modest chest rising and falling within the white frilled shirt tightened around her form, a dark leather corset under her breasts held and hid the place where her shirt met the lighter leather pants that completed her outfit, as well as hid her small tummy that she noticed in the mirror the last few days. She placed a hand on her side satchel, feeling the outline of the stolen scrolls within, and stopped to think. "*I'll stay in here until things calm down, and I'm sure my boss would be interested in knowing about this place, if i figured out what it is*" she mused to herself, giving up on her short stature reaching the higher shelves as she stepped to look at another "*Could this be a shop of some kind? The world is filled with little magics, as well as big magics. A discovery on this caliber would be fantastic for my standings back with the Conclave.*" she continued.

Walking down, or was it back up?, one of the passageways, watching the shelves carefully as she passed by them. Ashley stopped near a shelf claiming to contain books of Conjuration spells, reading a few book spines. Ashley picked up a book from the shelf and returned to the reading area she passed. Sitting leg over leg, her plump thighs and sore feet getting some rest, Ashley sank into the book, reading through it for the next hour or two. The globules of light were numerous in these spaces, and the place felt as if it was warmed by a gentle fireplace. The air smelt of wood, and paper, the scent many mages and scholars learn to love during their studies. And with such conditions, Ashley spaced out, sucked into book, devouring it.

It was her hunger that drew her attention to the passing time, and she closed the book. "*Now to get back out of town and on a carriage, but first pick up a meat bun*" Ashley planned as she returned to the aisle she picked the book from, before halting. "*I'm skipping town anyway right? what's one more stolen book?*" she thought to herself before glancing to both sides, then shoving the book into her satchel. And beginning to make her way back towards the entrance.

If it wasn't for her own wet bootprints on the darkened hardwood floor, she probably wouldn't have found her way out. The infinite seeming shelves upon shelves bled together into a somewhat threatening monotony, and with the magical uniform lighting it would be very easy to lose your way. Following her own trail of breadcrumbs, Ashley walked what felt like an hour to her hungry and tried mind, but she eventually made it back to the foyer. But to her surprise it wasn't empty. Behind the counter sat a man.

Tall, she could immediately tell, the man raised his eyes from the book he was reading, a cold icy-eyed stare she felt drilling through her. A sharp jawline and cheekbones, a serious expression, and something about him gave her a feeling of unease, like a stone deep in her guts, something in the back of her mind screamed that he was dangerous, but she couldn't put her finger on what. But Ashley never was one to doubt her instincts, she mumbled an apology and paced quickly towards the door. Just as she reached for the handle, she heard the man's voice ring out, a deep and commanding voice, almost melodic. "I wouldn't recommend that" He said, and Ashley was ready for a dash out of the store, but as she opened the door she didn't fine a rainy ally in the town of Nybor, instead she found the door opening into a massive chasm. Spiky cliffs and raging water at its bottom, howling wind buffering Ashley, she managed to catch herself and stop her momentum, not falling down but falling back into the Store.

"This is the Wanderer's Library, and i'm its owner: Codex" said Codex, making a swift motion with his hand, causing the door to shut tightly on its own "And you, you broke the rules of my store. You did not wait in the entrance to be escorted in, you have dragged water and mud in, you have drawn the attention of Nybor's town guard to my storefront, and you attempt to steal from me" He said, rising from his chair and walking around the counter. Codex was a towering man, icy blue eyes and short silver hair, a similarly silver stubble on his chin and cheeks. Dressed as a researcher or scholar, in shades of purple, black and gold robes seemingly made of scales of sort. Approaching Ashley as she clambered to her feet shaking, he reached forwards with his hand. "The book" he said, a threatening tone peeking through his words. Ashley frowned and reached into her satchel, handing over the thick tome. And couldn't help but notice how much smaller it seemed in his hands compared to hers. "How did you know?" Ashley asked, masking her shaky voice and worries with a brat-ish attitude, "What's the deal with that door? Let me out, you asshole!"

"This store, and everything in it, its merchandise, its guardians, the sales people and the cleaners, are my property. I always know where they are" Codex explained quickly flipping through the book before placing it back on the counter, and turning back to Ashley "I thought the door was common knowledge? the traveling door that leads to my store. Appearing in a different place every few hours. It'll be some time before we return to Nybor. Has society forgot these magics?" Codex tilted his head confused, examining Ashley from top to bottom. "Not that you can leave anyway" He added, taking a swift step towards Ashley and tapping his pointer finger to her throat lightly. Ashley jolted back, raising her hands to protect herself and begin an incantation, but could feel some magic weaving around her. A silver collar of twisting and curving magical threads was forming around her neck, shinning brightly as it completed before fading slowly. "WHAT WAS THAT" Ashley shouted, following with an incantation for an arcane arrow, and raising her hands towards Codex, magical energy gathering and shaping into a bow and arrow within her grasp.

Codex smirked towards her and made a sharp motion with his wrist, causing the bow to fall apart in her hands, the spell lost. "My mark, you will need to repay your debts for your incursions against the store, until then you are part of the crew, part of the store. Once your debt has been repaid, then you will be able to leave." Codex said, answering the question and ignoring her aggressive actions with an amused look. "Now come, i'll show you to the room you'll be sleeping in" Codex said, and Ashley found her body moving against her will and following him in a casual walk. The silver collar on her neck pulsing faintly with silver and magical energy.

"WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?" Ashley shouted, her voice still under her own control. She tried forcing herself to stop, she tried relaxing all of her muscles, she tried tripping on purpose, but no matter what she did, her body wouldn't stop following the wide back that strode ahead of her "It's my magic" Said Codex flatly as they marched, taking turns that followed no pattern Ashley could pinpoint, no landmarks. And before long Codex stopped at one of the reading circles, and placed his hand on the book resting on one of the tables. The muscles along his forearm tensed for a second, bulging under his pale skin, twisting as he made complex motions with his finger on the book's cover, and with a small burst of silver magical threads placed his full palm against it again.

A magical circle shone beneath the carpet of the reading circle and the sound of creaking wood filled the space, before the reading corner sank like a circular elevator down. Ashley, through the anger at her predicament, and the worry about her bosses outside , felt a strong mixture of fear and amazement. The magic required to achieve such a store, and the effect on her herself, it's like nothing she has ever seen before. And as her eye then beheld the contraption lowering the pair into what seemed into a large apartment of sorts, stopping in place in a large room with with additional reading sofas, a single bookshelf filled with unmarked tomes, and a caged fire place.

Walking through a door, Codex walked into the living quarters and Ashley was forced to follow, after passing through a hallway decorated with art along the walls, the pair arrived at a modest, but charming room. A comfortable looking bed fitted with cotton sheets, a work desk with a small shelf and drawers, as well as a chair. The far end of the room had a closet in the corner, and a rug covered the floor of the room. "You'll be sleeping here, the closet is enchanted, write on a piece of paper the outfit you want to generate, and then close the closet with the paper in it. The outfit will appear within. Get settled" Codex quickly summarized, leaving the room and Ashley behind.

Standing there in shocked silence, Ashley was frozen. "*Who the fuck does he think he is?*" She thought to herself, before throwing with anger her satchel onto the bed, and pacing angrily around the room, her footsteps muffled by the carpeted floor. Looking around the room as she went, she also spotted a mirror hanging on the wall, and in her reflection she saw something new. Very faintly, almost unnoticeable, there was a band of silver around her neck. She could only see it when the light from the floating globule in her room reflected just right, causing the silver threads to sparkle in their complex pattern. Stumbling back, Ashley fell back and sat on the bed, sinking a bit into the soft and accepting mattress.

"His mark..." She spoke faintly to herself, hearing Codex's words of her having to repay her debt echo in her mind and held her fingers gently against her neck. With shaking hands Ashley reached for for her satchel, pulling out her small cigarette case. Opening the simple silver box Ashley retrieved a thin cigarette, placed one in her mouth. Mumbling a short incantation, a small flame blazed to life at the tip of her finger, and held it to the end of the cigarette. Feeling the heat of the flame on her face, a trail of smoke rose, and Ashley took in the smoke. It was a nasty habit, one she's been trying to kick for a while, but it also brought her comfort, and right now she needed it. Just as she was ruminating on her new situation, the sudden noise of the door slamming open blasted throughout the room.

Codex, standing at the door, quickly stepped towards her. Ashley went to open her mouth, to speak, but she was cut short by a sudden pain as a ringing slap from Codex landed on her cheek. "To light a fire in a library, and to damage my property, is not allowed" Codex said, looking at Ashley who pulling her self back up to the previous position she was in. "Good, you figured out to return to your position on your own" He added, crumpling the cigarette he snatched from her mouth in his hand, before letting go another slap. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing in the room, and Ashley now nearly thrown with the force of the hit landing on her other cheek. Both of her cheeks now on fire, and with tears slowly welling in her eyes, she saw Codex leave her new room, closing the door behind him.

"*The bastard...*" She thought to herself, holding her hands to her sore cheeks, tears streaming down her face. She broke a little, crying softly to herself, for an amount of time the artificial lightning in her chambers made unknown. But eventually she wiped her face, and stood up. "*Okay, another bad place to be, if i survived and am surviving the conclave, i can survive this. Nothing new with the treatment*" She thought to herself, not sure if she was being brave or just lying to herself. Either way she explored her room. The table drawers had a few empty notebooks, an inkwell and feather. One of the drawers had a lock on it, the key within. Ashley placed her satchel within the drawer and locked it, pocketing the key.

Walking around the room she examined the closet next, writing down 'Comfortable, oversized pajamas' on a piece of paper she tore from a notebook and placed it in the closet. After closing and opening the door she was surprised to see red and black plaid patterned cotton pants along with a grey short sleeved top made from soft fabric. Sized perfectly for her according to the quick examination she gave it. "*Remarkable magic*" Ashley thought to herself, continuing to glance around the room. Finding a few empty bookshelves, some landscape paintings drawn incredibly well. Examining them closer she noticed the signature at the bottom was 'Codex'. After making a new, clean pair of boots in her magical closet, Ashley gathered up her courage and left her room, walked around the apartment area Codex escorted her to.

Passing by open doorways she discovered what seemed like a bathing room with some enchantments, like a home bath-house, pools and waterfalls of both hot and cold water. Ashley made herself a mental note of the location and continued down the hall, passing through the common reading area with the elevator and into the other hallway, decorated itself with more of Codex's drawings based on the similar style. Before long she found herself in a T- intersection, the first door she opened led to a dinning room, "*Another 1-piece wooden carved table, he certainly has a taste*" Ashley noted to herself, then turned and opened the other door to a surprising sight.

With his back to her, now dressed in leather pants and a white linen shirt, as well as a leather apron, stood Codex, cooking. Ashley stood there in silent surprise for a second, taking in the sight, and couldn't help herself but appreciate the tight leather pants and how they held the tight and seemingly muscular ass Codex had. "*Walking a lot every day would do that to you*" She thought to herself, before making a little coughing noise. "I'm making both of us dinner, you can wait in the dinning room you examined earlier" Codex said, turning around while mixing a batter of some sort in a bowl. His sleeves folded up just below his elbows, lean functional muscles bulging slightly as he moved his arms.

"Why aren't you conjuring food, with magic?" Ashley asked, curious, but mainly seeking to learn more about her new boss.
"Conjured food tends to taste worse, in my experience, and i also enjoy the process"
"Enjoy the process?"
"It's... meditative, relaxing. Speaking of which, any allergies? food you don't eat?"
"The entire pumpkin family, gourds, squash, so on. Allergic"
"Good to know" Codex finished, and turned around, pouring the batter into a pie shell that sat on the kitchen's counter.
"So what are you making?"
"Chicken pie recipe i picked up in the brass city, beastlands herbs rice, an underdark-style roots salad, and some dwarven mushroom soup"
Ashley stopped for a second in shock, he just named a few planar locations very casually, these are places the mages she knew had few testimonies of, and only the most powerful of mages could travel there. "*The brass city is in the damn fire plane!*" she thought to herself, managing to utter "Sounds good"

Ashley moved back and sat at the dinning table, gathering her thoughts. This Codex individual was powerful, more powerful than any mage she heard of. He originally felt cold, another bastard riding his power high, prone to anger or violence based on the slaps she so clearly remembers, but asking for preferences and allergies wasn't fitting in that mold. She'd have to feel him out for a bit longer, she concluded, before she could make any judgements about his character. He might be a bastard but antagonizing him now wouldn't help her. "*At least i'll quit cigarettes, and i'll be surrounded by books*" She thought to herself, now looking around the room "*and at least he isn't terrible to look out*".

Ashley was, however, very hungry, and the smells that drifted from the kitchen weren't helping. The food back in the Conclave wasn't great, but passable, however while she was under cover with the guild, she was living off of bread, watery cabbage soup, and watered down beer. They barely paid their apprentices , and paying for a tavern would seem suspicious. So Ashley was very excited for the meal to come.

After some time of waiting, Codex joined the room without his apron carrying the freshly cooked dishes. Steam rising from the various dishes, a mixture of fantastic smells in the air. Codex drew a sigil in the air, causing silverware and plates to float from the kitchen and set themselves on the table, along with two glasses, and two wine glasses. Taking a seat across the table from her Codex reached for the wine bottle that floated its way from the kitchen, the label reading 'Lodhar reserve, dry red, aged 100 years' and poured into his wine glass, before looking towards Ashley. "Wine? or do you prefer white?".

Ashley remained silent for a few second with the bizarre situation she found herself in, but eventually got herself to answer "White, red gives me migraine". "I see, then you'll enjoy this one" Codex replied, making a quick motion with his fingers after setting the red bottle back down, and when the second bottle, labeled 'Clablare gold, white elven wine' floated over from the kitchen grabbed it and poured a glass for Ashley. "Bon appétit" Codex added, then filled himself a plate, beginning to eat.

Ashley took herself a bit of everything, and all she tried was delicious. The chicken pie was the best she ever had, it had a deep rich flavor encased in crispy and perfectly salty golden crust, the brown sauce with large juicy pieces of chicken had a surprising amount of spice, like a small breath taken right over lava, but the burning didn't linger in the mouth after swallowing. The soup tasted rich, earthy and a little creamy, having chunks of a large roasted mushroom floating within the perfectly thick grey soup. The green rice had fantastic herbal undertones, each grain feeling distinct but not under-cooked, and helped balance out the more intense flavors of the chicken pie and the soup. Lastly was the salad, cut into strands, Ashley didn't recognize the colors some of them had as certain roots, but elected to try it either way and was delighted with a wonderfully refreshing sour and slightly spicy salad that evoked both earthy tones as well as acid that really helped cut through the other flavors of the meal.

"*I probably overate a little*" Ashley thought to herself, putting her fork down and taking a sip of her exquisite wine "*But i lived off of pretty cheap bad food for the last year*". Codex himself finished his meal, placing down his silverware and took a sip of his wine before looking towards Ashley, icy blue stare that felt like it pierced right through her. "Could you please explain to me why Nybor's guards were chasing you?" Codex said, a question that caused the blood in Ashley's veins run cold. "*Do i just tell him? i don't think he'd have a horse in this race*" Ashley quickly calculated in her head "*establishing myself as a thief might not end well however.*" she concluded.

"I got framed for a crime i didn't do"
"You're lying to me" Codex replied, quickly, placing down his glass
"I..." Ashley felt as if a stone started sinking in her stomach "I stole some scrolls from the mage guild" she found herself saying, she wasn't sure what it was, if it was a spell, or just the force of personality behind the icy stare, but she found herself explaining the situation.
"To give to my bosses so i won't get fired" Ashley surrendered, averting her eyes and looking down in a mixture of shame and fear of the response
A few long moments of silence hanged heavy in the air, before Codex's deep voice pierced them, crystal clear
"We all do what we must to survive, i'll make sure the door doesn't stop in Nybor the next few weeks to prevent further complications"
Ashley looked up, surprised, and managed to eke out a soft "thank you" as Codex stepped up and collected the leftovers, carrying them into the kitchen, with the dirty utensils and plates shortly floating after him.

"*That was... strangely considerate*" Ashley thought to herself, amusing herself with the quick thought of Codex having two personalities, the crude and assholish man that slapped her when she tried to smoke, and the more gentle considerate one, but quickly dismissed that thought away as silly and diminutive of how DID works. "*A strange man to be sure, as well as dangerous*" She concluded, hey own emerald eyes following Codex's figure as he returned, holding a small box in his hands.
"What's in that?" She asked, her academic magical curiosity starting to slowly rear it's head, which could lead to problems as it was what got her in this mess to begin with and involved with the Conclave.

"It's my crafting and enchanting set" Codex answered, placing the box on the table and opening it, the contents hidden from Ashley. He reached in and retrieved a jeweler's measuring tape. "Give me your hand" Codex added, holding his hand out. Ashley was very curious, so she followed the order, putting her hand in his. "*He's got big hands, warm too*" Ashley thought to herself as Codex carefully measured her wrist, and her pointer finger. "So what are you making?" She asked, watching Codex jot down the measurements he took. "A way for you to find your way through the library, can't have you getting lost" Codex answered, closing the box and standing up "I'll give you the finished product in the morning, i assume you found the baths, enjoy your rest, i will collect you in the morning to debrief you on your work in the store" he added, turning and leaving the room, leaving Ashley once again alone with only her thoughts.

Ashley stood up and returned through the hallways of the apartments, and before long sank into the hot bath, the water magically kept warm. The large fluffy towel she generated folded neatly on a nearby stool, and her clothes in a messy pile on the floor. The hot water were therapeutic, Ashley could feel the still tense muscles from the stress of the day slowly relax and unwind as she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. After soaping herself up with the wonderfully smelling soap, Ashley washed herself off by standing under the waterfall of hot water, the drumming of water on her shoulders and back nearly lulling her to sleep. Before long she was cuddled into the soft sheets, still smelling faintly of laundry, the light globules in her room seemed to respond to this and snuffed out, and exhaustion overtook her immediately. Ashley sank into a deep dreamless sleep, getting some well deserved rest.

Ashley woke up an unknown number of hours later, blinking up and staring at the ceiling confused for a few moments, before the memories of the previous days flooded back. "*No wonder i feel so rested, this is the most comfortable bed i had in years*" Ashley thought to herself, sitting up "*But i should probably get dressed if i have to work today*" she concluded, getting out of bed. As she did, the light globules reappeared in her room, reacting to her awakening automatically. Ashley, about to put her clothes back on, noticed that they were now folded, and slightly warm to the touch, smelling of fresh laundry. Noting this as something to ask Codex about, Ashley got dressed and sat at her desk, waiting to be collected by Codex as he told her the night before.

Not long after, Codex opened the door to her room simply saying "Come, breakfast first". It was only with him saying that, that Ashley realized she was hungry. Led by Codex to the dinning hall, the two sat to eat a breakfast of freshly baked bread, fruits, eggs and other breakfast cuisine. During the meal something curious happened however, Ashley noticed Codex's robes ruffle and move a little, and a few moments later a tiny scaled snout popped out. Codex, amused, reached towards it, and from his robes climbed out what seemed like a miniature dragon, brass in scales, and quickly scurried up his arm and across Codex's wide shoulders, reaching the piece of bread Codex held in his other palm open. "*Psuedodragon!*" Ashley thought, mesmerized by the mystical little creature "*They're really rare, and usually very picky with owners*" she recited to herself, remembering classes on magical creatures. "What's their name?" Ashley finally asked aloud, her eyes transfixed on the creature now curled around Codex's forearm, holding a piece of bread in its claws and nibbling on it. "Her name is Ember" Codex answered, his melodic voice almost playing with the name, "She's been my familiar for a while now, and my only company for a long time"

"Nice to meet you Ember" Ashley said cheerfully, reaching forwards towards the psuedodragon, offering her hand to be smelled. Ember glared back at her, a puff of smoke rising from her nostrils, before she quickly scurried back into Codex's robes. "Sorry, she's not great with new people" Codex said, chuckling slightly.
"Oh... it's okay" Ashley responded, hiding her disappointment she couldn't pet the adorable little dragon, before remembering what she wanted to ask "Say... what's the deal with my clothes being folded in the morning?".
"Oh, that is the work of the unseen servants, they're conjured invisible assistants, not exactly sentient but not fully construct either, they do most housekeeping around, keeping everything clean." Codex answered, gesturing with his fork. "Did they do something wrong?"
"Oh, no no, everything is fine!" Ashley said, relaxed that no one stood over her as she slept.

The two finished their meal, and Codex lead Ashley back towards the elevator that lead towards the library, stopping at that same circular room. "Give me your hand" Codex said, and as Ashley reached her hand towards him, he wrapped a delicate golden bracelet around her wrist. Designed like a delicate vine, covered in simple golden leafs, as the base of her inner palm was a small flower. "Channel some magic into that flower, and an illusion of the area around you of the store will show up, along with arrows pointing to this elevator and to the store's front. You could also ask for a certain section or book and be pointed in the right direction" Codex explained , releasing Ashley's hand and turning to activate the elevator. Ashley stared at her wrist, at the first piece of gold jewelry she has ever owned, the first one she was gifted, transfixed on the quality craftsmanship "You... made this? it's beautiful" she manged to mumble out.

"Yes, thank you" Codex answered, as the elevator rose and finally locked into its proper place, "Now come, follow" he added as he began walking through the library. Ashley followed but channeled some magic into the bracelet as instructed, amazed as the silver hologram illusion of the library she saw, with an arrow pointing the location they were walking reading 'Entrance'. "Your duties will be to go collect books and return them to the counter, converse with customers and watch over them as i collect books from restricted sections or those with traps or other safeguards, over time as you learn the methods of payment here you could be put in charge of running tabs as well. This store doesn't accept gold" Codex explained, as the two eventually arrived at the counter.

"And what will you be doing?" Ashley asked, worried that the entire workload was just thrust on her. "Determining and collecting prices, moving the door, dealing with unwanted visitors, helping you out with your duties, continuing my research" Codex listed. "Unwanted visitors?" Ashley asked confused, walking quickly to keep pace with Codex, his legs were longer then hers and each of his massive steps were 2 of hers. "Yes, while i can influence the door, it also has a mind of its own, and some locations have more.... dangerous residents and customers." Codex explained, quite nonchalantly considering the weight of the topic "There's a reason my title is 'Guardian of the Wanderer's Library'" he concluded, as the two reached the counter, and the door.

Codex made a motion with his hand towards the counter, causing another chair to appear behind it, then turned towards the door to flip the sign on it to 'open'. "Take a seat, we're opening" He said, joining to sit beside her shortly after. Codex picked up a book from a shelf under the counter, and opened it to a bookmarked page, beginning to read it quietly. Ashley sat there for some time, close by to Codex, wondering where the door was now. "*He smells good...*" Ashley thought, before finally picking up the conjuration book she tried to steal the day before from the counter, opening it back up to where she last stopped reading.

The two sat there, side by side, each reading their own book, as the hours passed. Every now and then the door bell would ring as a customer walked through the door, and each time Ashley was amazed. At the different fashions, mages and knights and people dressed in strange clothes. A blue fabric she didn't recognize they called "Jeans" used often for pants among their group. And with each customer Ashley was sent with directions for a certain book, after they have asked for certain information from Codex. Ashley wasn't there for when Codex requested his payment for the book, so near the day's end, she finally worked up the courage to ask.

"How do these customers pay you?" Ashley asked, turning her chair a little to face Codex. Codex placed a bookmark in the book and closed it. "Sometimes its a book that we don't have yet, sometimes its another form of knowledge, sometimes it's a copy of their memories. Those who can't pay with new information, pay with a shard of their soul" Codex answered, gesturing to the shelf under the counter, which had a few books now in it, bound in simple leather and with unmarked spines. "The books we sell are copies, after all. A new copy will appear on the shelf overnight, the Library slowly accumulates all the knowledge to ever exist"

"A shard of their soul???" Ashley asked, a cold chill running down her spine. "Yes, given willingly, and taking the form of one of the unseen servants until they run out of energy. Then they dissipate" Codex answered, looking over at Ashley and noticing her fright "It's only a year or two of their life, hardly a significant portion" he added. "Don't you think it's... cruel? to ask that of people?" Ashley asked quietly. "Not really, it will always be less then the amount of time it would've taken them to discover the information on their own. In a sense they're saving time, and i get help around the library, it's a win win"

The day trudged on, and eventually Codex rose from his seat, and flipped the sign on the door back to 'Closed'. Casting the spell he has all day to move the door one last time, Codex mumbled an incantation in the same coarse language and magic burst around him for a moment, then stilled. "Come on, it's time to rest" Codex said, leading Ashley back towards the apartment, and lowering them both down. And so they enjoyed their dinner, and Ashley retired to her room, leaving Codex near the fireplace.

Ashley grabbed her pajamas from her room, and headed into the bath, undressing and sinking into the relaxing hot water. The water felt so good, but her muscles were still stiff from stress. Ashley's eyes darted at the door quickly, making sure she closed it, before resorting to how she always dealt with stress. She climbed out of the water mostly, sitting now on the bath's edge with her feet remaining in the warm water, and closed her eyes. With one hand Ashley caressed her stomach, moving her hand along her soft stomach and the little bump there, and up to her chest. Her hand grabbed her breast, massaging it with her fingers. Her other hand slowly slid up her inner thigh, getting closer and causing a wave of excitement to run down Ashley's spine.

Her fingers pinched her nipple, tugging on it slightly as her other hand reached between her thighs and slid along her pussy lip to finally rest on her clit. Ashley's fingers began rubbing the little nub of pleasure, making circular motions that each caused a small wave of pleasure to resonate within her body. Pinching and tugging in one hand, straining her wrist to move faster with the other, Ashley didn't yet fully sink into the pleasure. Keeping a weary eye on the door, it became hard to concentrate on the pleasure and really getting anywhere. Shaking her head a little, Ashley resolved to focus on what she was doing, logically its the best choice as that way the length of time she's at risk will be the lowest. Returning her hands to their labor with renewed vigor, and letting her thoughts wander to the teaching assistant from the mage's guild that always smelt so nice, Ashley felt herself getting wetter and wetter, finally ready.

With two fingers Ashley reached lower then her clit, her two middle fingers pushing apart her labia lips, turning wet and not with water, before folding in and slowly pushing in. Ashley swallowed a gasp as she felt her fingers push into her, ever so gently spreading her pussy, they couldn't reach as deep as she wished but for now it was good enough. Beginning to move her fingers back and forth, in and out, her other hand rose from her chest, and clamped around her own neck. Chocking herself, Ashley could feel her pussy clamp around her fingers, tightening with the wave of mixed pain and pleasure she loved so much. Her fingers curved up, desperately trying to reach a spot just too deep for them within her. Waves of pleasure running through her body Ashley couldn't help but let out a moan, her melodic voice ringing in a higher octave than usual. Growing desperate she began to move her fingers faster and faster, in and out, Ashley was approaching a precipice she was desperate to throw herself off. Her back arched with each thrust of her fingers, her voice quivered with each time she felt her pussy stretch around the knuckles.

It was coming, she could feel it about to leap on her, and just as it was about to crash into her body Ashley pulled her fingers out and instead grabbed her clit, pinching it and giving it a tug, rolling it between her fingers. Ashley felt the orgasm crash into her, unalbe to control her voice she screamed out "OH GODS ABOVE YES". Ashley legs clenched, her hands as well,her back arched so hard she nearly threw herself back. And a jet of ejaculate shot out of her pussy, arcing through the air before landing on the floor. Ashley could feel her pussy pulsate and shudder with pleasure, as the muscles in her body relaxed finally, and she laid back limply on the floor panting heavily. It took her a few minutes as her eyes refocused from their hazy situation, to pull her mind from the fuzz it was in, but Ashley eventually sank herself into the water again, letting it wash off the sweat she built up now. That night Ashley slept like a rock.

And so a few days came in and out, and Ashley slowly eased into this routine. The food was good, the job not difficult, and she had plenty of time to read into magical books and further her knowledge in ways she could never do before. A lot of the books were out of her sphere of understanding and she didn't dare ask Codex for help, as he was sunk in what seemed like much more difficult books. An accomplishment she did learn however was that the spiky runes language Codex used in his own writing and reading was Draconic, the language of dragons and the most powerful of magics. Over time Ashley got to make a few more outfits for herself from her closet, and earned a bite mark from when she tried petting Ember, who wasn't not appreciative.

But this day was different, it about an hour before noon when Ashley heard the doorbell ring, and noticed Codex tense for a second, closing his book quickly. Something strange was behind the door, and what looked like a three clawed hand sank into the door frame through the open crack. Codex stood up, covering Ashley with his stance, before saying in a frighteningly serious tone "Ashley, run towards the elevator". Ashley looked confused, but as the door threw open, another clawed hand sinking into its base, and with Codex moving further to shield her from whatever was out there, she stood up with shaking legs and ran away. Looking over her shoulder just in time to watch a thin red bead shoot from the shadow beyond the door towards her, and Codex stepping in the way, catching it in his hand. Before she had the chance to fully process that, she felt a hot shock-wave lift her off her feet and throw her forwards, as a massive ball of flame engulfed Codex. Tumbling on the ground, surrounded by books thrown off the shelves, Ashley looked back towards the door in fear, watching the silhouette of Codex still standing amongst roaring flames and lifting his hands to cast his own spell, a large spear of ice forming over his head before firing towards the door. Codex looked back, his icy eyes shinning brightly and cutting through the fire, "I SAID RUN" he said. Ashley's magical collar pulsed to life, and even though she didn't command it so, she found her body scrambling to its feet, turning back around and fleeing into the stores depths.

Standing there, near the hidden elevator, the panting Ashley could hear very faintly the sounds of magic firing, explosions, and other sounds she couldn't determine. In her mind two images played on a loop, the image of Codex extending his hand to guard her and catching that explosive spell intended for her, and him moments later engulfed by fire. She crouched down, hugging her knees, feeling a panic attack coming over her, memories she tried repressing for years and years of fires consuming all around her. She felt herself shaking, tears forming in her eyes, but she closed them tightly before opening them. "*5 Things i can see...*" Ashley began the process her late mother taught her, and eventually managed to bring herself down to steadier breathing. She moved to sit on one of the couches and started to make peace with the idea of returning to the Conclave empty handed, and what punishments she'll have to endure there because of it, when she heard steps coming down the hallway.

Ashley leapt to her feet and raised her hands, ready to let go an invocation that will send a bolt of lightning at what comes her way, but when it crossed the corner Ashley saw Codex. His robes gone, leaving him in simple leather pants, red marks of flame on his chest, arms and chin, but very much alive. "It was dealt with, you can come back" He said "You good? got caught in the crossfire?"
"I... yeah i'm fine, but what about you? are you okay??" Ashley stuttered out, wiping away her tears.
"Yeah, my beard got singed off but i'm okay otherwise" Codex added, looking down and noticing his missing robes. He was built lean, but not weak, while he didn't have a six pack, it was clear there were muscles underneath his skin in his body and arms, muscles of functionality by carrying large amounts of books and walking a lot. But that body quickly got covered as Codex mumbled a spell and caused robes to wrap around his body.
"Uhhh... what was that? what exactly happened?" Ashley asked as the two returned to the counter, finding parts of the wood burnt and books thrown everywhere, some of them as embers.
"The library is a source of a lot of knowledge, some of it very dangerous, especially that which is in the restricted sections. There are beings and creatures who seek to take that power and knowledge for themselves, usually for nefarious purposes" Codex explained, before muttering an incantation and making a complex series of movements with his hands. Ashley watched in amazement as the wooden floor began getting repaired, and books flying back to their shelves, in an expanding radius around Codex.

Although Ashley's stress remained high, and she was jumpy at the door for the rest of the day, it went quietly. The dinner Codex made was very comforting, a bread bowl soup as one of the dishes that Ashley took seconds and thirds of. Before long, after a relaxing shower, Ashley laid on her bed and found herself needing stress relief again. Taking a glance towards the door, making sure it's closed, Ashley pushed down her pajama pants and panties, and gone to work.

As her fingers pushed into herself, and her free hand wandered around her neck, Ashley was surprised at the image that materialized in her mind when she closed her eyes, the image of Codex, his big hand around her neck, leaning over her with sweat glistening on his body, pushing into her. It wasn't what she expected, but it felt good, and so Ashley played with that fantasy, imagening commands given to her and her collar forcing her to obey, Imagining again the ringing slap he gave her when she tried smoking and moving that power to be a spank. Further into the throws of pleasure and fantasy Ashley sunk, but the loud noise of the door opening along with "Hey Ashley, i wanted to make sure you're okay" said with Codex's deep, melodic voice snapped her eyes open and to the door. Where Codex stood frozen for a second, his eyes transfixed on her, before turning away quickly and shutting the door behind him.

Ashley felt herself becoming beet red, and quickly threw her clothes back on. Sitting on her bed frozen and not sure what to do. Thinking and overthinking, down in a spiral of worries and possible futures, but eventually she slapped her cheeks with both hands and stood up, heading out of her room to the reading room. Where she found codex sitting on a couch staring at one of the walls. As she walked in Codex stood up, turning towards her. "Oh, hey, i wanted to apologize" He said, "I'm not used to having... company, it's been a long time just me and Ember. I'll put a lock on your door tomorrow." Codex added, explaining quickly.

"Thank you." Ashley said, surprised at Codex's looks, he seemed a little... flushed?. Either way a lock would be nice, and another luxury she didn't have in her previous life. "It's okay, don't feel too bad about it" She added. The two stood there in silence for a few long moments, before Codex mumbled out "If you need something let me know" and left the room, probably for his own quarters.

The next day, by dinner time, Ashley had a plan. She had witness Codex preform acts of magic she could only dream of, and learned that he wasn't the terrible and cruel person she had the original impression of. Strange? certainly, Might react aggressively or in nonstandard ways? yes, but not a bad person. And he wasn't bad to look at either. So as the two sat together to eat dinner, Ember left napping near the fireplace, Ashley sprang the question she wanted to ask.

"Codex? you said if i wanted something to ask right?"
"Yes, of course"
"Okay, would you teach me magic?"
Codex looked at Ashley with a strange look, a mix of surprise, pride, and curiosity
"You want to be my apprentice, or just help with a spell?"
"I would want you to teach me as an apprentice, please" Ashley said, lowering her utensils as well
"And you understand that to do so, you will remain here for a longer period of time?"
"And do you understand that you will need to preform other duties for me and the library beyond your duties as a employee of the shop?"
"...Yes, i understand" Ashley said, feeling excitement build up within her
"Very well... we will begin your education tomorrow" Codex said, a small smile spreading across his face.

The next few days were exciting for Ashley, she practically leaped out of bed every morning. After breakfast they would have practical practice, Codex would have her push out all the magical energy she had in her bit by bit, explaining that over time this strain will build up her reserves. Then in the evening after work they'd sit side by side near a table as Codex would explain complex books and equations. The evenings were Ashley's favorite, sitting so close, shoulders touching each other every now and then, and being explained to in Codex's soothing voice complex concepts. And he wouldn't get mad when she didn't get it, and repeat himself. No question felt stupid.

One such night, after Ashley finished her homework, she headed to the kitchen to grab herself a night snack before bed. And there she found Codex standing over a pot, stirring it gently.
"What are you making, Master?" Ashley asked, stretching her back and arms.
"I told you you only have to call me that while we're in class. And i'm making mulled wine, would you like some?" Codex replied, adding spices from a small measuring cup to his side into the pot.
"That would be lovely, thank you" Ashley replied, picking up the sweet roll she planned on snacking on and taking a seat at the small kitchen table.
"Did you finish your assignments?"
"Yes, the parts about 3 stage transmutation was giving me a few issues but i eventually figured it out"
"Good, and it's ready" Codex replied, turning around and placing two large steaming mugs on the small table, sitting besides Ashley to drink as well.

The two sat together, talking softly over their mugs, and the conversation grew lighter as the alcohol slowly seeped into their bloodstreams.
"Okay okay here's a joke, much better then what you just told me"
"I'd like to hear that" Ashley said, giving a playful pout back towards Codex
"What forest animal helps the druid get that nice green color for their robe?
A Dyer Wolf!" Codex said, snickering
"That's so bad" Ashley said, stifling a laugh herself
Codex looked at Ashley, how her eyes smiled along with her mouth, the dimples on her cheeks with the big smile, and a gentle smile spread across his face. "Ashley?"
Ashley looked up towards him, this close to him she couldn't help but smell the wonderful smell of his. "Yes?"
"I just wanted to say that i didn't realize how much i missed company, so thank you for stumbling upon my door, i'm happy you did" Codex said, looking back towards Ashley. The gentle details of her face, illuminated by the fire. The locks of black hair gathered behind her, the way she would smile. Codex didn't experience this in a while, but he found himself appreciating her beauty.
"i... oh" Ashley answered, feeling a blush set into her face, and unable to break her eyes away from staring now into Codex's. The icy-hued stare feeling warm and inviting despite its color.
The moment felt like it lasted forever, as they sat there frozen. But Codex felt something stir within him, part of the nature of what he was, and that part came to light as he leaned in and kissed Ashley, his hand wrapping around her head to support it.

Ashley was surprised, mostly at the fact of how excited the kiss made her, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She closed her eyes and focused on the kiss, placing her hand on Codex's chest. When their lips finally broke, Codex held his forehead against Ashley's his smile returning, and Ashley returned it with a giggle. Codex leaned in again, kissing Ashley deeply, his hands wrapping around her and pulling her in tightly. The thing that stirred within Codex reared its head, the animalistic drive within that began flowering towards Ashley deep within Codex's stomach. Ashley returned the favor, wrapping her hands around Codex's neck as the two sunk into the kiss, feeling both of their excitements grow as Codex's tongue pushed gently into Ashley's mouth.

The moment of connection between the two lengthened and lengthened, and before Ashley knew she was lifted up by Codex, carrying her like a princess from a fairy tale, and he carried her to her room. Placing her gently on the bed, Codex climbed atop her, locking lips with her again. Ashley felt a wonderful rush as his warm fingers slide underneath her shirt, grabbing onto her waist. She moved her hands to begin undoing the robes wrapped around Codex, desperate to feel his body against hers. With a swift motion Codex broke their kiss and lifted her shirt off of her, almost a growl in his throat as he feasted his eyes on the sight of her bare skin. Leaning down, he gave her a kiss, then kissed her cheek,and made hsi path down to give the base of her neck kisses. Ashley managed to undo his robes and throw them aside, and wrapped her hands around Codex's wide back, almost clawing at it as a shudder ran down her spine with a delicious neck kiss. Locking eyes, the two felt themselves sinking deeper into passion


Hope you enjoyed part 1 of ?, next time we'll start strong with some down and nasty fucking, hope to see you there too!.
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