ערב טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

אני והחיה שבי

לפני 3 שבועות. 11 בנובמבר 2024 בשעה 15:26

If you can't communicate openly, you shouldn't engage in power exchange.

If you lack empathy, you can't truly understand submission.

If you're not willing to listen, you shouldn't give commands.

If you fear honesty, you can't build trust.

If you're not patient, you can't guide someone through their fears.

If you're unwilling to learn, you shouldn't teach.

If you're not prepared to care, you shouldn't demand devotion.

If you're not ready to respect boundaries, you shouldn't explore them.

If you can't handle rejection gracefully, you shouldn't offer control.

If you're not ready to be gentle, you shouldn't wield power.

If you're not committed to aftercare, you shouldn't leave marks on her skin nor her heart.

If you can't read non-verbal cues, you shouldn't push physical boundaries.

If you're not prepared to stop at any moment, you shouldn't start the scene.



LostFairy - נדיר שכמוך
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Alpha1one1​(שולט) - 🫶🙏
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asset​(נשלטת) - ואמרו אמן
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Alpha1one1​(שולט) - אמן 🙏
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Reverence​(אחר) - עכשיו תתרגם ותשלח לכל הנשלטים/ות
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הקיבוצניקינקית​(נשלטת) - ולכל השולטים/ות.
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