ערב טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

המתת השור

לפני 12 שנים. 15 בינואר 2012 בשעה 13:55

i am a true reck and i hate it
he had the first name of a prince
there is a reason for it
an old dream came to be relighted
that of a life becoming simple
because of a love becoming simple
but then He withdrew
I should have known better
i sensed it in every turn of a sentence, in every silence
i am incapable of learning patience
tho i knowing when something is dying when not even born
i sense it
i have been there once too many
i can be adored
but i cant be adored
i claim for my humanity
it is too late this time
for this one
I am left with tremendous battles to be given in front of me
i am as frightened as a little girl when she had her 5 years old to fight
and i am so surprised by this fragility
i am heading home, to israel
paris is no more my heaven even by gift of birth
i love these skies of blues and blues
this sun high
this life hard
these people exotic and complicated
this desert full
this empty earth
i love this place of second birth
i will never die away

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