Journal Entry | less than a minute ago
self confidence is like gaz for cars...
once burned, it has to be renewed from an outside source for the car to go and travel again.
the secret I suppose is not to draw one's confidence from an outside source but from our inner self...most of the time. that is what I would call building on a good basis; elaborating a good structure for your spiritual bone psyche.
Too much relying on outside source then brings to a great fragility. enough with a bad one and the whole structure can be jeopardized.
self critic is a way of living for me...not a way of loving. both are different in manner and matter
the first is actuallt THE engine for a embetterment of myself to the point of perfectionism...there are matters in life that are of extreme importance. one of them is knowing that some of us use ourselves as barometers and judge for our actions and thoughts, thus allowing a moral critic to be always alive
this liveliness has allowed me, in the midst of extreme difficulties and hostile environment to turn this tool into an engine to a better me....constantly reassessing my views and my values...until I had the feeling, through my own personal eye and life, that I could be wrong on certain issues, right on others...but that self improvement was always at hand... no matter the age, the race, the situation, the weight etc....
it must not be a system carved on stone but a power, lighting and flowing through high and low webs, like life