בוקר טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

יום, לילה ומה ש...

"Be Negative", By HIV positive
לפני 19 שנים. 29 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 15:27

עוד שיר שאני רוצה לפרסם (הפעם באנגלית...)


I'm out of patience
This life makes me sick.
I feel so pathetic,
So pointless and weak.

Am I bound to proceed?
Is there some other way?
Should I die every minute
And live day by day?

Should I care if they know?
Should I know if they care?
If I would go to heaven,
Will I meet someone there?

In my whole life on earth
Have I learned something here?
I have felt only pain
Always terrored by fear.

I'm afraid of the dark
And to stay all alone,
Never thought of myself
Make 'em laugh like a clown.

They are happy, but me,
So pathetic and weak.
How could I love myself,
If I make myself sick?

*All the rights reserved to me.

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