שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

Kinky Reflections

מסע לגילוי עצמי דרך עולם הBDSM
לפני שנה. 22 באפריל 2023 בשעה 11:25

I ran and ran

Not because I wanted to

Because I needed to

My body wanted to escape

My heart wanted a break


I ran

I ran to get away

I ran to get clarity 

I ran so that my thoughts could be heard


I ran to hear my breath 

To feel my heart beat

To be reminded that I am alive

To reconnect with my body


I ran to cry

To yell

To weep

To release 


I wanted to run more

My my legs told me to stop

I wanted to yell louder 

But I was afraid someone would hear


I ran to regain control 

To remind myself why I'm here

I ran not because I wanted to

But because I needed to...


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