לילה טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

In the Pink

סוטה, חמודה, ובלונדינית ברמות. ראו הוזהרתם. 8-)

"But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night"
Khalil Gibran

It was beautiful to live"
when you lived!
The world is bluer and of the earth
at night, when I sleep
enormous, within your small hands."

Pablo Neruda
לפני 13 שנים. 15 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 4:59

Well, not exactly.

I won't be around over the next couple of days -- but don't worry, I will return next week, with renewed energy, vim and vigour.

However, to keep you amused and happy, i will leave you with something entertaining.


Note: Did you know that this was the music from the original radio series, and the initial TV series of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, not an "invention" for the film of 4-5 years ago.?It so thrilled and delighted me when I was 8, that it forced me to go out and buy all five books in the trilogy.

It also awakened a love in me for the Eagles, so here's another one...

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לפני 13 שנים. 14 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 8:45

I can't believe it's been two years.

In loving memory of Patrick Swayze, his fabulous shoulders, his masterful stance and dominant dance posing, and his cute tight butt.

(And his life's work as an actor, but mostly the shoulders and the butt.)

RIP Johnny Castle.

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לפני 13 שנים. 14 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 5:00

I wonder sometimes if I'm not a wee bit schizo. In the philosophical rather than the clinical sense, you understand.

And then I remember that I'm having a hormonal surge for a reason or three, and the feat of schizo dissipates.

This morning, I miss the NEMRF more keenly than yesterday -- possibly because of a sort but indelibly sweet and adorable chat. Him in an internet cafe, looking out at a grey and drizzly street, and me, sweltering in the home office, trying to catch up on some work. It's like those cartoons, where someone flees so fast that they exit via a wall or some such similar structure, leaving behind them a hole in the exact shape of them -- be they Tasmanian Devil, or Sylvester as he chases Tweety.

If my life is a wall, it has a big NEMRF-shaped hole in it.

Le sigh.

לפני 13 שנים. 13 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 17:59

לא ידעתי שיש פה בכלוב גרביים... מסתבר שיש.

לאלה שלא יודעים מה זה "בובת גרב", באנגלית זה נקרא "sock puppet"

הלינק להסבר בויקיפדיה

This has been a public service announcement. That is all.

לפני 13 שנים. 13 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 15:49

What a relief.

Hopefully the atmosphere of lalaland that has pervaded the Pink Tabbydom will dissipate completely in the not too distant future. It would be nice.

Heard from the Nefarious Evil Mean and Rotten cat today (known affectionately to me, and in moments of unusual egotism, also to himself, as NEMRF). Where he is the weather is grey and wet.

Where i am, it's just wet. But then -- this is nothing new for me. Heee.

Regarding the drama of yesterday. I thank all those who suggested, in comments and pm, that cnsulting with the yo'etzet and mechanechet as worthwhile. You are quite right, and I had already done so. Unfortunately, there is little they can do in the shrt term, when a child is lonely on her own, and others are leading the pack in shunning her and ridiculing her. Of course, this is my daughter, and she doesn't take this lying down for very long. According to her, once she'd managed to pull herself together, she made the "whatever" face (that I so adore to see whenever I become irritated by the pile of crap that she calls her room) and went off to read her book.

Attagirl, Baby Tabby!

Further to this, the ringleader of whom I spoke yesterday saw this and said something along the lines of "And don't make that face!" To which the Baby Tabby retorted "don't you tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me!"

Yay her!!!

Ipso facto, I am now in a MUCH better mood. Which made my being able to speak to the NEMRF the sprinkles on the cherry on the icing on the cake. Double chocolate fudge with raspberries, im kvar.

On the BDSM organization front, I'm trying to get two things done. First of all, the next munch -- which will be more or less straight after the chagim. Second of all, an "Erev Kshira" -- an evening a bit like a rope peer, but with some formal hadracha and demonstrations. [Not of the "in Sderot Rothschild in a tent" variety. 😄 ] It will be in a place with restricted places, and places will be awarded on a first come, first served basis, so if the first one goes well, I will then organise another one for those who missed the first one. Anyone who'd like to help with the organization, do let me know, but in private messages please.

Happy Hump Day, people!

לפני 13 שנים. 12 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 7:32

The patterns of behavior begin in the schoolyard, and it's there they should be fixed, or at the very least, remain.

This tendency that we have -- we, women and men, although in my experience, it's often women who take it to the next level -- to gang up on and isolate one who doesn't fit in, who did something "unpopular" -- or worse, hurt one of the Beautiful People -- is unacceptable and just evil.

My poor daughter suffers regularly at the hands of an cruel little bitch whose mother referred to her (my daughter) in the comfort of her own home as a "mefageret". Clearly, this 30+ year old has maturity issues of her own. But as a result of this home schooling, there is constant tension between the two girls, and I am regularly on the receiving end of a tearful phone call from my daughter, crying that this other child has put her into "cherem". This child is not unfixable, but with the atmosphere that her mother has apparently created, it's unlikely that she sees herself as doing anything wrong. This Israeli tendency (not all, but some) of "magiya li", and "why shouldn't I?" is repulsive in the extreme when you're on the receiving end of heartbroken weeping from the light of your heart.

No one says that everyone has to like everyone else. What I am saying is that you can own your own decision without dragging other people into it. And even if they drag themselves in of their own free will, seeing it as some misguided kind of loyalty, it's not an appropriate way to behave. It is no way loyal to act in an unpleasant manner to someone else, and use that someone else as a shield behind which to hide your own motives of insecurity and lack of self-worth, which are what prompt you to belittle another. It's bullying, pure and simple -- and it's completely unacceptable.

The submissive community is riddled with this kind of pathetic behavior and frankly, I've had enough. I don't have to like everyone I meet, and I would be surprised if everyone I met liked me. But the ganging up, and the bullying, and the unnecessary bitchiness and the pathetic name-calling -- isn't it time we stepped out of the school yard and into full-grown adulthood? If we're old enough to determine our own sexual wants, needs and desires, then we need to collectively put on our big girl panties, and start acting like the adults that our ages would identify us as being.

I think you know what I mean.

לפני 13 שנים. 12 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 6:30

כמה אפשר להיות חרמן רק מלקרוא סמס.

אולי למוח שלי יש דיסלקסיה בחירתית, ומבין סמס כ-סקס?

מה 'תם אומרים?


לפני 13 שנים. 11 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 8:30

ערומה לפי בקשתו, אני עומדת מולו.

הוא זורק כרית על הריצפה, מניח ידו על כתפי, ומתכופף אליי. לוחש לי באוזן.


יורדת על ברכיי על הכרית ומחכה.

הוא כל כך דואג לי. זה חלק מהותי של הקסם בינינו. לדעת על האכפתיות של השני כלפייך. חשוב לו שאני לא אקבל פגיעה, לכן נותן לי כרית בשביל הברכיים. אחרת איך אני אקום להגיש לו שתיה, או ללכת להביא לו ציוד?

מניח את ידו השני על כתפי הפנויה, ועם האגודלים מלטף את פניי. מנשק אותי במצח, ואז, עם אצבע אחת מתחת לסנטר שלי, מכוון את ראשי אליו.

מנשק אותי בפה -- עדין בהתחלה, אך מגביר את העצמה באופן מהיר שאפשר לחשוב על אוטו -- 0 עד 60 ב1.3 שניות.

טוב לי שאני נמצאת על הברכיים. רגליי לא היו מחזיקים מעמד.

"את יודעת מה עליך לעשות עכשיו. תתחילי."

אני מפשיטה אותו לאט ובזהירות. מתחילה כהרגלי ליד רגליו, ופתחת את הקשרים של שרוכי הנעליים שלו. מבקשת ממנו להרים רגל אחת, אני מורידה לו את הנעל הראשונה, ואז אותו הסיפור עם השנייה. ממשיכה להפשיט אותו, ומקפלת את בגדיו ושמה אותם על הכיסא לידי.


אני עומדת, והוא לוקח אותי בזרועותיו, ומחזיק אותי קרוב וחזק.

"ברוכה הבאה" לוחש לי.

וככה זה מתחיל.

לפני 13 שנים. 10 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 7:35

It's time, my friend, it's time! The peace is craved by hearts...
Days flow after days -- each hour departs
A bit of life -- and both, you and I,
Plan a long life, but could abruptly die.

The world hasn't happiness, but there is freedom, peace.
And long have I daydreamed the life of bliss --
And long have planned, a tired slave, the flight
To the removed abode of labor and delight.

I love Pushkin. Such a beautifully concise and evocative way with words. Something to brighten your day, gentle reader. Have a great one.
