ערב טוב אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

In the Pink

סוטה, חמודה, ובלונדינית ברמות. ראו הוזהרתם. 8-)

"But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night"
Khalil Gibran

It was beautiful to live"
when you lived!
The world is bluer and of the earth
at night, when I sleep
enormous, within your small hands."

Pablo Neruda
לפני 14 שנים. 16 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 14:49

"You need to remove your arm."

"I beg your pardon? You're not suggesting that I self-mutilate and amputate my arm, are you?"

"What? Oh no, I didn't say "remove", I said "move". But if you're offering amputation as an option, and you fully consent, I'm all for it. It's digging IN to me..."

"You big whiny cat. Moan, moan, bitch, moan. Here I am, giving you one of your cuddle fixes, and all you can do is moan about the one limb that if you cut off, I would actually forget Jerusalem, thank you very much."

"Why, thank you dear."

(An insult to the Big Bad Cat is always -- and I mean, ALWAYS -- taken as a compliment.)

Tthe above exchange took place after a highly intense and emotional session involving melted wax and some quite impressive projectile gushing.

Honestly, you'd think a girl could get cuddled without a complaint, wouldn't you? Apparently not.

This is a filler post, I confess -- I was hoping to post the really pretty photos of my new collar today, but the Big Bad Feline was too busy eating variously filled donuts yesterday, so the necessary editing was not done.

But it will be. Watch this space.

לפני 14 שנים. 14 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 12:12

See here:

Of course, when i play with melted candle wax, the wax is aimed at other parts of me...

Heh heh heh.

לפני 14 שנים. 13 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 23:29

As a child, receiving and giving of Chanukah gifts and gelt was mandatory. My parents, observant Jews that they were, insisted on giving myself and my siblings something on each night of Chanukah.

Naturally, none of us objected.

Growing up, I used to spend my hard-earned pocket money (I worked for my pocket money from the age of 14 and up, I'll have you know) on presents for friends -- one year I bought them cute little ornamental frogs, I seem to recall. It cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. I've always been one who enjoyed giving as much as if not more than receiving.

The frenzy of gift-giving tapered off after a few years of somewhat less lucrative circumstance, particularly after making aliyah. No, not all girls from chutz la'aretz arrive and live off their parents. My parents never supported me financially -- partly because I was far too independent and proud to allow such a thing, and partly because they couldn't afford to. But I digress. It seemed that actual gifts could be replaced with a well-timed phonecall, or a bunch of flowers, or a choice Roladin sufganiya filled with butterscotch (ריבת חלב) .... le slurp.

It worked. I was happy. I wasn't bothered about receiving gifts on Chanukah. (My birthday is a different story, but as a wise man once said to me, "let's fall off that bridge when we get to it.") In fact, I would hazard that it's been at least a decade since I was given a gift of any shape of description that wasn't a doughnut.

Until this particular "nagla" of the festival of lights.

It began with an unexpected pass-through coffee. Well, the coffee was as stable as coffee can be, as was the sandwich that accompanied it. It was the timing that was unusual and unexpected -- in addition to the norm, a welcome addition of course, but a most unusual one.

Not, of course, that I am complaining. Au contraire, gentle reader. It made my day sparkle with the kind of afterglow that is normally reserved for post orgasmic sub-space.

And then -- then came the evening of the day after. It wasn't meant to happen but it did. THat very fact, in and of itself would have been enough -- even if what transpired hadn't... well, transpired.

It wasn't the first time we'd engaged in some public karada, but it was the first time it was a session rather than a demonstration. The exhibitionist within me -- or as they are more commonly known, the girls -- were perkily happy to be on display to the passing parade of perverts. As for myself -- tits notwithstanding -- I was floating higher in subspace than I ever have before. I was compos mentis --but only just. The backdrop of thumpingly good music lifted me ever higher, as the floggers and pervertibles (previously known as kitchen utensils, among other things) were variously brought out and used upon me.

Had I been able to proscribe a more perfect present, I don't think I would have been able to. I'm still glowing from within even now.

It's rare in life that all the pieces fall into place at the right time. I'm just breathing, and counting my blessings right about now.


לפני 14 שנים. 12 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 7:40

קיבלתי שי לחג. שי רע ומרושע, עם חיוך של חתול שהצליח להשיג את השמנת. 8-)

יותר אכתוב אחרי שינה עמוקה יותר, ולא מבטיחה באיזה שפה.

חג אורים שמח לכולם -- תהנו מטום להרר:

לפני 14 שנים. 9 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 10:02

הוא לוקח אותי בידיו, מוריד אותי על ברכיי, ומסיר ממני את הקולר הישן, ההוא שאנו משתמשים בו כצעצוע בסשן.

אחר כך הוא עוצם לי את העיניים -- רק מילה אחת ממנו ואני עושה מה שהוא אומר, מבקש, או דורש.

הוא שם עליי את הקולר הרשמי. "זמני," הוא אומר. "עד שאמצא את הקולר המושלם עבורך, חתולת טאבי ורודה שלי."

אני לא מוציאה מילה. בעיניים עצומות, נרגשת ומופתעת, אני נשארת שקטה וכפופה. {כפי שסיפרתי קודם בפוסט אחר ידעתי שזה על הפרק אך ציפיתי שאדע מראש.}

אבל עם החתול המרושע הזה, אין טעם לצפות. פשוט אין.

אני מרימה אליו עיניים ושואלת לתוך הכחול היפה שלהן "אז זהו? אני עכשיו מקולרת? כאילו, רישמית?"

הוא מהנהן.


לאחר מכן, אחרי סשן מרומם מהרגיל, הוא שוב מוריד אותי על ברכיי, על המיטה.

ואז, הוא קורא לי את השיר שרשמתי למטה, מאת חליל ג'יבראן.

תם הטקס -- התחיל זמן חיבוקים. 😄


On Love
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep,
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,
that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart,
and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say,
'God is in my heart,' but rather,
'I am in the heart of God.'
And think not you can direct the course of love,
for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night,
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips

לפני 14 שנים. 8 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 20:54

זהו. זה רישמי. אני... מקולרת.

החתול הרע ומרושע הפתיע אותי היום.

לקח ממני את הקולר שאיתו אנו משחקים, ובקש ממני לעצום עיניים -- ואז שם לי את הקולר -- זמני אך יפיפיה...

אני פשוט לא מפסיקה לחייך. פשוט... שמחה.

לפני 14 שנים. 8 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 8:17

כיף לי שאני מתחלפת.

דווקא נדמה לי שכל הכיף שבעולם הזה התחתי וחתרני נמצא בעובדה שיש כל כך הרבה לראות, ללמוד, לחוות ולבצע.

כיף לי להכנע לחתול הרע ומרושע -- הדום הנפלא והמקסים שלי -- לזה אין ספק. איתו אני פורחת וגודלת נפשית וחווה התנסויות וחוויות חדשות ומרגשות.

וגם כיף לי לנסות את הצד הדומיננטית שלי. במיוחד עם עוד מתחלף. האפשרויות הם עד אין סוף...

אני מצפה לכתוב יותר על הנושא הזה בקרוב. שבו בשקט וסבלנות. יבוא היום.


לפני 14 שנים. 7 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 8:10

I would write this in Hebrew if I had the appropriate vocabulary -- but I don't.

I didn't know her that well, we had only just "met", so to speak. But I liked her -- she was fun, and we laughed together.

I don't know how or why she passed away so young, but it saddens me deeply either way. 38 is too fucking young.

Rest in peace, Wrong Naughty Girl.

יהי זכרה ברוך.

לפני 14 שנים. 4 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 21:41

אין על החתלתול הזה. 😄

לפני 14 שנים. 4 בדצמבר 2009 בשעה 8:33

"Back to back, belly to belly
Well I don't give a damn 'cause I'm stone dead already..."
