לפני 13 שנים. 21 בספטמבר 2011 בשעה 4:53
"Change and decay in all around I see..."
It's twue. The world around us is a stunningly depressing place. The news is depressing, especially vis-a-vis the political situation, and clearly Armageddon lurks in the wings, waiting to make its spectacular entrance. Doom, gloom, sturm and drang.
My way of combatting this is to employ my never-failing, ever-increasing capacity for denial and utilize the power for good rather than evil. There are some things I can do to change my immediate surroundings -- these I do. There are some things that, short of a general election, are beyond my control. These things I do not allow to bother me on a yom-yomi basis.
I do not dwell on the banality of immature misbehaviour that -- were I more susceptible -- might bother me. Instead, I choose to de-legitimize any attempt to derail my normality and happiness by not paying any attention, or even acknowledging existence.
So far, so hoopy.
And when things get really black, and cats go AWOL in Eire, and the madness threatens to seep in under a binding that should have been reinforced but wasn't (metaphorically speaking), I follow some sound advice I once received from one of my favourite fruit and indulge myself in listening to one of the world's foremost philosophers.
Note: Prior to posting, I always spell-check. Mozilla spell-check tells me that combatting should be spelled combating. According to dictionary.com -- and me -- they are wrong. VERY wrong.
Also according to dictionary.com, not only is combatting a great word to have under one's lexical belt, but so is lollapalooza -- meaning a chattery, lightheaded or flighty person. Don't say I never share anything with you.