שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

החדר האינטימי שלי

המקום שבו יש רק אותי
את רחשי ליבי
את מחשבותיי
את הפנטזיות הכמוסות שלי
הרחק מההמון
לפני 14 שנים. 29 ביולי 2010 בשעה 17:49

You think I don't know
You'll never love me
The way I want you to
You think I don't realize
You'll rather hurt me
cause I'm the stronger one
You think I don't see
Thorough your words
The sugarcoated half truth

What you don't know
What you don't realize
What you don't see
It's my mission to love you

You think I don't notice
The guilt taking hold
Of your body and soul
You think I don't sense
The demons of fear of
Letting me down
You think I don't imagine
That you could ever feel
Unworthy of my love

What you don't notice
What you don't sense
What you don't imagine
It's my mission to love you

Maybe one day you could give me
The whole truth without being afraid
Maybe one day you could love me
Without thinking it’s a crusade
I promise I will be here long after
All the others will be gone
I promise I will never leave you
Until my mission is done

What you don't know
What you don't realize
What you don't see
It's my mission to love you
What you don't notice
What you don't sense
What you don't imagine
It's my mission to love you

להוספת תגובה לבלוג זה עליך להיות חבר/ה רשומ/ה ומחובר/ת לאתר

הרשמ/י התחבר/י