A person needs to be honest with themselves in life.
They need to know where they've won and where they've lost.
In all honesty almost everything that I won in life, I ended up losing.
They need to know where they excelled, and where they were medioce.
To be quite honest, where I thought that I excelled, I was judged at being medioce, and where I thought myself to be medioce, I was praised on my excellance.
It is said in life, that it is better to give than to recieve.
I can agree with that one. But there is one snitch. When I recieved, it was only for a stollen moment. Only to be burried away in th graveyard of my memories.
When I had acceptance and understanding I had all the riches in the world, despite the fact that I didn't have a penny to my name.
When my bank account showed prosperity and wealth, but I lacked acceptance and understanding from the world I was a pouper.
I have learned in my lifetime that good grows from the bad.
I have learned that if you always search for security, you never really live.
I know that I am a cammilion. I can easily addapt myself to changes in my life.
But the big question is, when does a person finally learn to embrace their destiny?
When do we try and stop fighting the windmills and become one with fate?
Is it while we can still comprehend that we had a life and lived it the best that we knew how to?
Or does it come too late, when deaths door opens before us and beckons us to pass over?
לפני 15 שנים. 3 במאי 2009 בשעה 17:38