שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

סקיצות מחיים דיספונקציונליים

האמת, כול האמת, ורק האמת, (כפי שהיא משתקפת בעדשתי העקומה)
לפני 18 שנים. 10 ביוני 2006 בשעה 21:05

After you suggested meeting outside I said- this is it. We are close enough for me to open my mouth and you are just begging me to say something because you can’t. We strolled in the gardens, sat on a tree trunk. I said, listen, we are enjoying this too much. Anyone that will look at us now will say it’s a date. Really? Was all you could say. You were taken so off guard. You couldn’t respond. I told you I was disappointed that you couldn’t discuss it. You were clearly shocked, you just couldn’t go there. I think, not because it was something I had imagined, if it were untrue you would have said so right away in a gentle way I think. Rather I thought that it was because you needed time to digest that this was the undercurrent that was there all the time. How could a smart guy like you be so dumb to his own actions? So I let it go. I knew you needed time. You always answer my questions, but not right away and not right to the point, but you answer. And indeed you did. Toward the end of our meeting in a roundabout way. Good thing I learned this style of yours and I could tease out the answer.

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