שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

Story of the bee

Musings of a busy mind
לפני 8 חודשים. 27 בינואר 2024 בשעה 6:51

3 Cocks


I sucked three diffrent cocks this week. Do I get a round of applause or a standing ovation.

Well actually two of them were rather quick and i was left rather cold from that experience.

Wang and cum isnt fun for me

I like to taste and savour the experience

I get that my warm throat and tongue feel good but when a guy cums quickly it really takes away from the intimacy and fun of the experience. I like a dom to feed me his cock and to hear him being excited in my service

So i got to thinking why do some guys cum so quickly. 

Is it when your cock is deep in my throat and i suck it down


Is it when i suck suck harder and work the whole shaft.

I guess ive always taken it for granted that my blowjobs are going to be a mutually fullfilling experience.


Either way when its over so quickly it doesnt feel like its a Dom being served by a sub 

I guess its better than erctile dysfunction. 



Panther - A true Dom controls himself first and foremost. That means, among other things, that he controls the timing of his orgasm.

לפני 8 חודשים
Aציבעוני​(אחר) - דבורה לה. כל הסיבות נכונות
לפני 8 חודשים
Imike - There are plenty of cocks out there. I'm sure some of them will do the job right:)
לפני 8 חודשים

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