שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

Kinky Reflections

מסע לגילוי עצמי דרך עולם הBDSM
לפני שנה. 6 במרץ 2023 בשעה 11:44

My body

My sexy sensual body

I don’t thank you enough

For all the pleasure you give me

For all the sensations you allow me to feel


My body

My delicate curvy body

I just wanted to thank you

Thank you for being strong and supportive 

Thank you for withstanding all my emotions 

I know it hasn’t been easy


I feel strong and tough because of you

I feel empowered because of you

Your imperfections teach me compassion towards others

Your softness teaches me to be gentle with others

Because of how you make me feel, I can share you with others ❤️


beckham - Very very very nice and very impressive
לפני שנה
רגעים של בריחה​(אחר) - Gorgeous
לפני שנה

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