שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

Mountain Springs

חדש! משופר! עכשיו בעברית!* (חלקים נבחרים בהתאם לתקנון...)
From an ancient mountain flows a small spring of clear rich waters from a time forgotten, yet the waters are fresher and tastier than any one can imagine.
This is not the fountain of youth but rather the fountain of life and he who drinks of these waters will feel the chill burning through his body and then will feel his body and finally will feel his life.
He will not live forever but he will live...

I have often been asked why I don't write in the forums more (or really at all)
Well the answer is a combination of jadedness and laziness I suppose.
I have been participating in some lists and forums in English for quite a few years and have written and responded to many issues there; somehow I never really wanted to do that again with mostly the same old issues and had even less interest in doing it in Hebrew this time
But I did indicate that someday I might try to dig up some of my older
posts that might be of interest
And today.......
I am not doing that.
לפני 19 שנים. 22 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 15:11

תודה ילדה יפה

מן שרביט משובט כזה. עוד מעט כל אחד יכול לקבל אחד...
אם מישהו עשה חשבון פשוט, דחוף חייבים לגייס עוד רבבות לכלוב כדי שהפירמידה תחזיק מעמד עוד קצת.
נו טוב
Apres moi le deluge
או בעברית: על הזין שלי.

שלשה דברים שרובכם לא יודעים עלי:

1) מספר וויזה שלי
2) מספר ת.ז. שלי
3) מספר חשבון בנק שלי

ועדיף (לי) כך

שלשה דברים אחרים:

1) אני לא אוהב ים. לא שונא ואפילו מוכן ויכול ליהנות כשהחוף שקט (מאנשים, כלבים ומטקות)
אבל זה לא עושה לי את הרוגע, החיבור הטוב שזה עושה לכל כך הרבה מכם. אבל שימו אותי בהרים עם אוויר וקצת ירוק וסלעים ואני בשמיים תרתי משמע.

2) כשהייתי ילד היו לי ארנבות (וארנבים בעצם כי אתם יודעים...) היו בחצר ביתי ויום אחד כלבים רוצחים של שכן באו וקרעו את הכלוב וטרפו אותם. מצאתי חלקי גוף ופרווה מפוזרים על כל הדשא.
ולמרות זאת, איני מתלבש בחליפת ארנב...

3) הניק שלי (אתם חושבים שלא הבנתי שחשיפה זו היא מטרת כל השרשור הזה?)
ובכן, מקור הניק בשפה זרה מסוימת שהיא חשובה לי מאד ושיש לה הרבה מהות ומקום במסעות שלי: פיזיים, רוחניים ואפילו מעט בלייף-סטייל. התרגום של המילה לא יותר מידי השפיע על הבחירה, אהבתי את הצליל ואת השפה והמהות הייתה מקובלת עלי אם כי לא משהו שהייתי בוחר בעברית או אנגלית. לא הפריע כזה.
"שועל" אם זה כ"כ מעניין.
אכזבה קצת, לא?

ועכשיו להעברת השרביט:
ככל שאנחנו מאוחרים יותר בפירמידה אמור להיות קשה יותר (אם לא מחזירים לסיבוב שני כמובן)
אבל מצאתי ששה מועמדים ראויים בחמש דקות אז המצב עוד בסדר. ועכשיו לדלל ונשארו:


כמובן, מכל הסיבות בעולם.

עמק יא רוק
כי איך לא אחרי מספר 2 לעיל.
ברוך שובך אגב

ואחרונה חביבה אנפת לילה כי היא פשוט מעניינת מאד.


(מתי אני מקבל את 10,000 הש"ח?)

לפני 19 שנים. 22 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 8:10

She wasn’t there
But the guests entered a living room filled with positive energy.

She wasn’t there
But we ate the salt and sweet of her heart.

She wasn’t there
But her mind helped lay out the scene.

She wasn’t there
But we couldn’t wait to talk to her on the phone.

She wasn’t there
But even the smell of the smokers in the hall brought back her sense.

And beyond the evidence of our five senses:

She wasn’t there
But the guest of honor’s near-first words were:
“Now will she pop out of the bedroom?”

She wasn’t there
But she is never far from my mind and heart.

Who says she wasn’t there?

לפני 19 שנים. 21 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 16:21

כבר הרבה זמן את מחוייבת לרדת לברכיים כאשר את באה אלי, כמעט מן ההתחלה למעשה.
לא שאני כזה חסיד של טקסים ופורמאליות – נהפוך הוא. אבל אני כן מחפש את הטקסים שמקדמים אותנו.
בכמעט חצי שנה שאנחנו מכירים עשית את הקידה הזאת עשרות פעמים, נראה לי שאת הרבה יותר קרובה למאה מאשר לאפס.
בהתחלה עשית אותה בקלות מאוד כי הרי זה סתם קטע כזה שדומים אוהבים אז בעצם מה איכפת לך? עולה לך משהו? מילאת אחרי הפקודה ללא דופי אך ללא חיבור.
בהמשך עשית אותה במגוון מצבים: סערות רגש, צחוקים, רצינות מעט עסקית ומחוייכת. אבל לא לגמרי התחברת לזה כמו שכן התחברת לצורת ישיבה על הרצפה לרגליי. שם שאבת כוח וחום. היו פעמים שחיכית על הברכיים עד שאיזה מסר עבר בין שנינו וכך התנוחה קבלה קצת יותר עומק.
אם זאת, מכוח הרגל אם לא משהו אחר הקידה נעשתה מאוד טבעית אם כי לא מאוד משמעותית.
אולי היה בזה משהו סמלי על הקשר שלנו, או יותר נכון אולי זה היה שקף של שלב בו היינו.
שלב טוב, חיובי ואפילו חיוני, אבל עדיין שלב.
לפני כשבוע היו רגעים שחשבנו שסיימנו. ירידה מסוג אחר. אבל ירידות הן חלק חשוב מן החיים. כמו בדמיון מודרך יורדים לעולם הפנים, לא עולים לשם. ומהירידה הזאת שלפני שבוע עלינו לדבר אחר.
התחלה חדשה קראת לזה אבל גם המשך של כל העבודה (והכיף) שעשינו עד אז.
ואמש באת למסיבת ההפתעה לכבודך. אצלי.
הקדשתי מחשבה מוקדמת לטקס שלנו. הרי יהיו שם אנשים לא מן התחום, קרובים אליך, יודעים עליך, אבל לא בקטע. חשבתי עליך ועליהם, לא להעמיס עליהם טקס מזעזע (עבורם) ולא להכריח אותך להיחשף ברילטיים להבדיל מסתם סיפורים ומילים מילים…
מצאתי פתרון : הם יחכו במטבח היכן שלא רואים מהכניסה, תעשי את עניינייך ואז אוביל אותך לשם.
מעבר לכך שזה היה מונע את קישוט הסלון (לשמור את אלמנט ההפתעה) לא אהבתי ופסלתי.
מצאתי פתרון אחר: אוכל פשוט להחזיק לך את היד כדי לסמן לך שאני מוותר הפעם.
ואז החלטתי: אני לא אגע בך או אמנע ממך אבל אם תשאלי אותי במבט אני אענה לך במבט שזה תלוי בך.
פתחתי את הדלת ונדהמת לראות את כולם, נפלת צעד לאחור. נכנסת לשירת (צריחת?) "היום יום הולדת..."
מיד נפנפת להם ביד ואמרת משהו כמו "תעזבו אותי מזה רגע",
זוכרת את הפעם הראשונה שבאת עם מישהי קרובה אליך ונאלצת לעשות זאת? (היא הייתה מאמי והלכה להסתכל בחלון). כמה הדבר הזה שכביכול לא הפריע לך, לא עלה לך, כמה זה באמת היה קשה לך.
אמש ירדת.
בנחישות (קטעת את השיר שלך)
עם כל הלב
בהתמסרות אמיתית.
ירידה לצורך עליה.
סמלי לקשר?
בעצם שקף.
Sic Itur Ad Astra

לפני 19 שנים. 18 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 7:43

מעניין שהרבה זמן חשבתי שאחליט סופית אחרי יום הכיפורים.
מעניין שאכן כך היה.
לא איש דתי ולא איש מאמין (במובן הזה) ובוודאי לא בעל אמונות טפלות אך מוצא משהוא נכון בצירוף של חשבון נפש וסגירה דמיונית של ספר דימיוני.

"the die is cast"

הביטוי ממשיך להתנגן בראש ואפילו שומע אותו בספרדית מספר שקראתי לפני שנים רבות - אך מבלי לזכור את המילים הלועזיות עצמן.

מעניין שהביטוי המדוייק בעברית נשמע לי זר, מוזר ומנותק מהיסטוריה.
אולי בוטה מידי לי כרגע.
כנראה שלפעמים גם בורים צריכים לחלום בספרדית.

לפני 19 שנים. 11 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 9:16

מורידים צנצנת מלאת שומשום מהמדף על הבוקר. מסתכלים בעיניים בוהות במכסה שנשאר ביד – וברצפה מכוסה גרעיני שומשום. כמו אחרי איזה "פזצטא" רבבות חיילים קטנים משתלבים בנוף.
חושבים: איזה מטומטם לא דאג לסגור את הצנצנת היטב. מטאטאים בידיעה המעצבנת שאין סיכוי למצוא את כל החיילים – יהיו מארבים ברצף עד ש"כ" תבוא (במקרה הרבה זמן הפעם).
מסיימים מה שאפשר בזמן הזה שבין אור ראשון לבין קפה ראשון ובדיוק לפני שמורידים את המטאטא מרגישים איזה מגע עדין בקצה המקל. ואז שומעים הרעש המיוחד שכוס הבירה האהובה האחרונה עושה כשהיא נשברת לרסיסים בכיור. וחושבים: כל פעם שאני שובר זכוכית זה כאילו חלק מנשמתי מתנפץ. זה יום שצריך פשוט לחזור למיטה ולא לצאת...

שוב מסתכלים בעיניים בוהות במכסה שנשאר ביד – וברצפה מכוסה גרעיני שומשום.
חושבים: איזו טעות ראויה יותר להתייחסות רצינית? שאני עדיין אוחז במכסה צנצנת כשאני מוריד מהמדף, או שכנראה אני לא תמיד דואג לסגור היטב? (התשובה אגב היא הטעות הראשונה שהרי לא רק אני פותח וסוגר דברים כאן). מזל ש "כ" תבוא לפני הפגישה הבאה כאן, גם אם זה הרבה ימים.
ואז שומעים הרעש המיוחד שכוס הבירה האהובה האחרונה עושה כשהיא נשברת לרסיסים בכיור.
וחושבים: וואיי. איזה מזל שכל החלקים נשארו בכיור. יש הגרלת לוטו היום?

לפני 19 שנים. 10 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 5:37

I coined a new term for this post:

Relativistic Sadism

Accepting my deviant need for dominance happened long ago and was fairly easy. Coming to terms with the concept of being sadistic was a lot harder and took many years. Yet even now, my sadistic urges are directly tied to my desire to control. (I can do whatever I want with your body; I can make you feel whatever I want with my caresses or strokes). I don't even have typical dark sadistic fantasies of non consensual nature, though I do confess to inappropriate fantasies of power and control.
Anyway, my point is this: I am locked in to the dynamics of a willing partner. I derive more pleasure from taking a modestly masochistic bottom to 110% of her previously perceived capacity, than I would from flaying away twice as hard with a serious masochist but only taking her to 50 % of her capacity. I certainly enjoy being with someone having a sufficiently high threshold that I don't need to hold back much, but still, it is her reaction that gives me the most pleasure.
My question then is how do other tops feel about this kind of relative sadism, and whether for them it seems like a compromise so that they might avoid recognizing deeper and darker sadistic desires within. No need to explore psychopathic cases; this thread is intended for people who can differentiate between fantasy and reality.
I also would like to hear from bottoms about the converse.

לפני 19 שנים. 10 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 5:27

The reader might remember that I mentioned something about digging up a few posts of mine from the past in other forums.
You know, many years ago in a galaxy far away kind of stuff.
Someone had used the following scenario to ask her question:

"You've been talking with this extremely polite Dom for while now, exchanged emails, gotten to know each other through IM's. You feel pretty comfortable that You are chatting with a nice Guy, a potential Master, someone who seems to be trustworthy and straightforth.. You never exchange phone calls .. but photos are exchanged.
First meeting scenario...
A motel room is reserved ..
.. she arrives at the motel ..
...picks the key up ..
...goes to the room..
There's a blindfold there
..waiting actually where she was told it would be
..she takes the blindfold from the back of the chair
..places it snugly over her eyes ..
..and waits for Him to arrive
Totally helpless as to what may happen next ..
Would You, met a Potential Master, whom you have been very comfortable exploring online with, in a blind faith meeting such as this? With no safe calls in place?"

My reply was as follows:
Warning: Long and edgy.
Do not take this as encouragement to do this (Don't try this at home kids) but I have done something similar.
Some differences:
We had not even exchanged photos but had exchanged personal details including names and phones and place of employment.
She was a foreigner staying here in Israel at a Jerusalem hotel. I offered her alternative public situations for a first meet but we both had had this fantasy/desire for a long time.
Since we were in the middle of a nasty wave of terrorism (yeah, what else is new) here in Israel, and terrorists had actually used an internet ploy to kidnap and murder a teenage boy, and since the hotel was in Jerusalem not far from Arab areas, I found that even the Dom in this situation can have real security worries.
She had been told to blindfold herself (she had to improvise since that was one item she didn't have) and await me standing nude in the corner most obvious to me as I entered the room.
She was to leave a key for me at the desk.
Ideally, I would have had her wait for an hour or so this way, but for her security I waited till I was in the hotel and holding the key before calling her and telling her to assume the position. I gave her a couple of minutes to get ready and think about it but waited in sight of her door, again for her protection.
I entered the room, saw her but first proceeded to check out the room for my own security, then secured the door and got down to business.
I hadn't ordered her to do anything about refreshment so I had brought some things. I was pleased to see she had prepared fruits cheeses and cold drinks in ice in the sink.
I replaced her makeshift blindfold with one of mine (she had been told to keep her eyes closed under the blindfold at all times).
She had, as ordered, laid out all of her equipment and I proceeded to empty the contents of my bag and arrange them. I already had a list of her equipment, but since I was unsure of the quality, I brought some backups.
I put leather cuffs on her arms and legs and proceeded to chain her in a less comfortable position. I was constrained by an arm problem she had (yes, I had of course checked with her her health status beforehand). Attaching her to the metal grate of the balcony I then proceeded to undress and shower. Before getting in the water I checked her and saw she was not in the right posture so I corrected her with my hands.
I won't describe the whole scene (which was delightful) but it was a long while before I spoke and she had ample time to wonder about who (and who else) might be there. The blindfold was removed at what I felt to be the most appropriate time.
Aside from enjoying the remembrance of a lovely fantasy- fulfilling scene, what am I conveying here?
First, I don't like the term SSC - nothing is safe, certainly not BDSM, and sane - well, who decides? Even consent is sometimes problematic. I go by RACK (risk aware consensual kink).
My sub here is a very bright and sensible girl who chose to do something extremely high risk based on her limited knowledge of me. The fact that she was right does not mean that it wasn't very dangerous (and probably not safe or sane by most people's definition). She knows how crazy it was and probably would never admit to having done this.
Lots of activity is risky, like mountain climbing. But a mountain climber is going to be a lot less likely to delude himself about his mountain than a sub is about her potential Dom. Maybe my partner here was very perceptive and truly understood who I was, or maybe she was just lucky to find me and not some sociopath with a great facade.
We discussed the risk and ways to reduce it without ruining the scene. At one point I offered to let her talk with a former slave of mine but I later retracted, deciding that if she elected that route, I wanted it to be based on me alone. I had waited about twenty years to realize this fantasy and wanted it to be perfect or not at all.
Since we had not even exchanged photos, she was worried I would not find her attractive (she was very pretty and exceeded my expectations based on her description). I told her that in that unlikely event, we would adjourn, get dressed and go down to that cafe and just chat, since we obviously enjoyed talking to each other over the phone.
Anyway, should you do something like this? Almost certainly not.
In addition to general life threatening danger, you also risk injury if the guy is not as good as he thinks he is. Besides, while phone numbers and calls are also insufficient, the absence of them gives easier access to total lies and unreal fantasies of IMs.
Even I wouldn't do it just on the basis of IMs and photos.
Let's face it, even after public first meetings and such, one still runs into many phonies. Just browse the forums here for tales of secretly married, and those who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.

ושוב, ספרתי משהו אישי שקרה והתאים לי ולה בהתחשב עם כל הנסיבות. אין כאן המלצה לנהוג בצורה דומה, נהפוך הוא.

לפני 19 שנים. 9 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 21:34

So now it is certain, at least as certain as such predictions can be. The storm is coming. For reasons that may or may not be obscure, she can be called tropical storm Julia.
No, don’t worry, you aren’t in her path, but my friend’s home is. Sometimes we live in houses that are mere temporary dwellings, though we may get very attached to them. But there is always the one true home, the place you can’t ever move out of. And Julia is coming straight at his place.

“What does one do with the last three days before the storm hits?” I ask him. “Just hunker down and hope for the best? Eat drink and be merry? Try to find the meaning of the universe (or at least of one’s self)?” So far it seems to be a combination of the above, with an emphasis on storing up the sensory between some spiritual hunkering down and hiding out. Like the existentialist parable – the man trapped in a bottomless pit with wild creatures waiting to eat him even if he could pull himself out -, he is licking the honey, though I seem to see one of his hands hanging on and the other seems to be digging. I can’t tell if he is attempting to tunnel out.

He tells me he has made most of the preparations that he can under the current circumstances, and that he is also trying to go on with his regular life until the wind becomes too strong. It is almost as if he were living several lives at the same time.

The storm is coming and he is surely going to be soaked. I hope that is the worst of it.

לפני 19 שנים. 6 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 17:02

I had better admit right from the start – the title is a bit misleading. I have, after all, been involved in BDSM for many years and this incident took place this past week, still…
We have been involved for about a month but already it is serious (without losing its sense of humor). The “s” word has been used – at least as a joint goal. It is what passes in Israel for an LDR (long distance relationship) in that a certain physical distance separates us. So far I have been traveling to her lovely house (she is, among other things, an interior designer), but this week she came to my cluttered apartment. Yes I do tend towards understatement and “cluttered” is probably an understatement.
“Hi my name is Ru_vash and I am a packrat”
“Hi Ru_vash, we love you…”

It has been 3,927 days since I threw something away…

Anyway, there she was, collared, chained floor bed, etc. A good time was had by all (well I enjoyed myself anyway). But that isn’t the subject of this blog.
Yes, there was an after.
Looking at the living room. “The object isn’t to change everything at once, it wouldn’t be right for you. We need to change a few things and let you live with them, then other changes will be right and natural.”
“My specialty is changing things around without even going out and buying new things.”
At some point in decorating subspace my memory gets a bit fuzzy but I remember various disconnected sentences and actions:

“I won’t throw anything out”
“We will put things on the side for a while, later, in the middle of the night you will get the urge to go through them and throw out the things you don’t need”
“I need a box”
“Can you empty these drawers?”

My heart begins to beat faster and faster; I feel a certain weakness in the knees…

“What is most important to you right now: health, career, fame? The health will take care of itself”
I opt for career.

“Why is this gold clock not working, a stopped clock is very bad, do you need this”
“It was given to my father near his death” I answer, so it has meaning for me

“This wooden carving, handmade objects from cultures with supernatural beliefs can be dangerous”

“Find a place for all these video cassettes, I need this space”
“I have it! I want to take the bar things from underneath and put them where the videos are so we will put the videos where the bar things were”
I point out they won’t fit.
“They’ll fit” then sotto voce : “at least enough of them will…”

So this is subspace… I think as I feel a weakness coming over me. On the floor emptying the shelves of the videos (and inspecting, sorting and even throwing out a few) I repeatedly am chastised: “you work so slow!”
I note that she even sits uninvited on my furniture…

“This is only for starters, later we will change more and repaint…”
“Give me a serious budget for a new couch”

Objects get moved, I use my own focus on my task as a blindfold.

Fortunately my kids are coming for holiday dinner so at some point the session ends.
I find no significant physical marks on me.

Aftercare is somewhat more businesslike than I usually give. Sitting together on the couch that remains: “What do you feel?”

A few inane remarks about balance, and why a certain picture is there…

My wall for career stuff is very different, emptied the shelf of DVDs and in their place a couple photographs relating to part of my creative career, a photo of my grandfather, my father’s clock, a few artifacts and a horn of plenty that aside from its general symbolism and unknown to her means a great deal to me.
“ We place items connected with your ancestors on that wall because the presumption is that they want you to succeed.”

Though the 2 seat couch is currently wedged into the bedroom door, it is true that a wonderful space has been opened up.
“This will allow the energy to circulate, and one thing will lead to another.”
“Of all the alternative medicines, feng shui has been proven the strongest, it will unblock many things”.

I guess the aftercare is in the design.

Later my son helps me throw out the small couch, still there remain a few objects moved into nowhere land that will need a place or removal in the near future.

Certainly does feel better though.

The evening after, I returned after a long lapse to taking a 40 minute brisk walk. Just felt the energy inside, that I had to. Of course, the cooler weather helped too.
Today, I started a blog. Not sure if that is progress, but it is new.

Looking forward to my second session.

לפני 19 שנים. 6 באוקטובר 2005 בשעה 15:58

Ok then, it's true, Shakespeare already wrote everything and we have just been jerking off for the last few centuries.
But enjoying it I suppose.
I have always liked Taming of the Shrew, and certainly in part for its D/s qualities.
So it came about that there was a partner making the journey with me on the road to submission - let's leave labels and definitions aside.
Progress was good, very good, though certainly we confronted obstacles
Sometimes certain walls and blocks are clung to, even when we want to discard them they are what we know.
During one session I felt I was not getting through as deep as I wanted and moved to a lovely paddle that seems to cause deep body and spiritual reverberations
My partner, who does not cry and only barely whimpers occasionally (she likes to tough things out)
begins to whimper.
I have a small brainstorm.
"Tell me you like this"
My partner is a very truthful girl - which is good - and so in the joint spirit of truth and toughing it out, she declines to say she likes this.
I reach over to the bookshelf and yank out the volume of Shakespeare's comedies, leaf through it and begin to read:

"SCENE V. A public road.

Come on, i' God's name; once more toward our father's.
Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon!

The moon! the sun: it is not moonlight now.

I say it is the moon that shines so bright.

I know it is the sun that shines so bright.

Now, by my mother's son, and that's myself,
It shall be moon, or star, or what I list,
Or ere I journey to your father's house.
Go on, and fetch our horses back again.
Evermore cross'd and cross'd; nothing but cross'd!

Say as he says, or we shall never go.

Forward, I pray, since we have come so far,
And be it moon, or sun, or what you please:
An if you please to call it a rush-candle,
Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me.

I say it is the moon.

I know it is the moon.

Nay, then you lie: it is the blessed sun.

Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun:
But sun it is not, when you say it is not;
And the moon changes even as your mind.
What you will have it named, even that it is;
And so it shall be so for Katharina.
I then go back to the paddle and again hear whimpering, a bit more urgent this time
After a time I say again:
"Tell me you like this"
Again no response,
Again I read the passage and so on.
After five readings neither my voice nor my arm were tired but something had changed.
Through a veil of two or three tears (which for this girl are equivalent toan ocean of tears for most others)
I hear an affirmative: " Yes I like this"
A small but significant catharsis...
Followed by a hug and gentle kiss.
I read from the last act:
Re-enter KATHARINA, with BIANCA and Widow

Katharina, that cap of yours becomes you not:
Off with that bauble, throw it under-foot.

Lord, let me never have a cause to sigh,
Till I be brought to such a silly pass!

Fie! what a foolish duty call you this?

I would your duty were as foolish too:
The wisdom of your duty, fair Bianca,
Hath cost me an hundred crowns since supper-time.

The more fool you, for laying on my duty.

Katharina, I charge thee, tell these headstrong women
What duty they do owe their lords and husbands.

Come, come, you're mocking: we will have no telling.

Come on, I say; and first begin with her.

She shall not.

I say she shall: and first begin with her.

Fie, fie! unknit that threatening unkind brow,
And dart not scornful glances from those eyes,
To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor:
It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads,
Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds,
And in no sense is meet or amiable.
A woman moved is like a fountain troubled,
Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty;
And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty
Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it.
Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee,
And for thy maintenance commits his body
To painful labour both by sea and land,
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe;
And craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt.
Such duty as the subject owes the prince
Even such a woman oweth to her husband;
And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour,
And not obedient to his honest will,
What is she but a foul contending rebel
And graceless traitor to her loving lord?
I am ashamed that women are so simple
To offer war where they should kneel for peace;
Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway,
When they are bound to serve, love and obey.
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth,
Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,
But that our soft conditions and our hearts
Should well agree with our external parts?
Come, come, you froward and unable worms!
My mind hath been as big as one of yours,
My heart as great, my reason haply more,
To bandy word for word and frown for frown;
But now I see our lances are but straws,
Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare,
That seeming to be most which we indeed least are.
Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,
And place your hands below your husband's foot:
In token of which duty, if he please,
My hand is ready; may it do him ease.

Why, there's a wench! Come on, and kiss me, Kate.

And again I put action to words and we kiss.

And we both know that something fundamental has changed, she is not untruthful but she has found a new truth.

Good old Will.