שבת שלום אורח/ת
עכשיו בכלוב

מחפשת את ארט וונדלי

You can try to struggle, try to escape

Unlock the handcuffs, peel off the tape

But you can't get away from the chains of love

soft as a feather, tight as a glove

Little D/s Ditties

by marionette
לפני 5 שנים. 21 באוקטובר 2019 בשעה 4:45



  איני יודעת מי כתב/ה את היצירות הקטנות והמדוייקות הללו, חיפשתי, באמת שחיפשתי ולא מצאתי למי יש לתת קרדיט



Little D/s Ditties By Marionette



You can try to struggle, try to escape,

Unlock the handcuffs, peel off the tape,

But you can't get away from the chains of love,

Soft as a feather, tight as a glove.




Run and hide, you nasty whore,
Master can still find,
He smells your fucking cunt and more,
He sniffs your filthy mind.


Twisted pleasure, spiraled pain,
A labyrinth of maze and feign,
Pretend to know, pretend to find,
Only master fucks my mind.




Reciprocity is so fine,
Two sides of a coin, simply divine,
The Yin and the Yang, pleasure and pain,
You give and you give and thus you shall gain.


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